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更新日期:2021-05-20     浏览次数:216

摘要民办教育分类管理改革新政已经推行了3年多,作为政策执行主体和传播受众的民办园举办者对此新政的认知与理解是这一政策执行和实施效果的重要制约因素。本研究通过对来自全国18个省(直辖市、自治区)的2030名民办园举办者的问卷调查和对来自全国24个省(市、自治区)的45名民办园举办者的访谈,发现民办园举办者对此新政的期望和关注度较高,但参与和了解度较低,且存在一定的不解甚至误解。民办园举办者对此新政呈现出了支持赞同、将信将疑、消极不满三种态度倾向,采取了迷茫焦虑、消极等待、主动出击三种行动模式。总体来说,由于受限于自身认知水平,受困于园所利益格局,受制于政府顶层设计,民办园举办者对此新政的认知与理解整体偏低。为此,在此新政推行的后续阶段应加强对民办园举办者的培训教育,提升其认知水平;明晰政策焦点,回应民办园举办者关心的核心问题;优化政府传播,通过科学、有效的宣传和解读,缓解民办园举办者的焦虑,消除其对政策的误解。The classified management reform on non-governmental education has been implemented for more than three years.As the main body of policy implementation and the recipient of information,the non-governmental kindergarten organizers’perceptions and attitudes about the reform is an important factor to the success of the reform.This study conducted a questionnaire survey of 2030 organizers from18 provinces and interviewed 45 ones from 24 provinces in China.The results showed that organizers had high concerns and expectations,while their understanding and participation at a low level.They even had incomprehension and misunderstanding about the reform.The three common attitudes towards the reform were supporting,doubting,and non-supporting.The three modes of action were"confusion and anxiety","wait-and-see",and"take the initiative".Individual perception level,interest pattern of each kindergarten,and top-level design of government may explain the overall low understanding level of organizers on the reform.It needs to strengthen the education on organizers to improve their perception level.Policy design should be more specific to respond timely to organizers’core concerns.Government communication should be optimized to play a leading role in promoting organizers’cognition of the reform policy.
作者魏聪 王海英 陈镜如 黄倩Cong Wei;Haiying Wang;Jingru Chen;Qian Huang(School of Education,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234 China;College of Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097 China;The Experimental Kindergarten of Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou City,Zhengzhou 450018 China)
机构地区上海师范大学教育学院 南京师范大学教育科学学院 河南省郑州市郑东新区实验幼儿园
出处《学前教育研究》 北大核心  2021年第4期58-76,共19页Studies in Early Childhood Education
关键词民办园举办者 分类管理 政策认知organizer of non-governmental kindergarten classified management cognition of policy
分类号G64 [文化科学—高等教育学]