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更新日期:2021-05-20     浏览次数:167

摘要 抗战期间,光未然随着革命形势的变动而辗转多地进行朗诵诗的宣传与推广,其中以武汉、延安、重庆、昆明等地为主。在某种程度上说,透过光未然朗诵诗的活动历程,我们可以窥见战时朗诵诗发展的概况甚至全貌。光未然认为最理想的朗诵诗应当实现诗歌与音乐的交流和结合,因而在语言上应当选择清楚、响亮的词汇,使诗歌富于节奏感和音乐性。纵观光未然战时朗诵诗创作实践的整体历程,不难发现,光未然所主张的"诗歌与音乐的结合"的朗诵诗学理念,实则是其一以贯之的整体精神和特色,最终目的是为了实现诗歌的大众化。 During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,Guang Weiran went from place to place to promote reciting poems,especially in Wuhan,Yan’an,Chongqing and Kunming.To some extent,we can see the general situation and even the whole picture of the development of the poetry recitation in the War through the course of the poetry recitation.Guang Weiran thought that the best poetry recitation should realize the communication and combination of poetry and music,so we should choose clear and loud words in language to make poetry full of rhythm and music.Looking at the whole process of the practice of reciting poetry in war time,it is not difficult to find that the idea of the combination of poetry and music advocated by Guang Weiran is actually the whole spirit and characteristics of the poem,the ultimate goal is to achieve the popularity of poetry.
作者 陈燕桦 CHEN Yan-hua(Research Center of Sino-Japanese War Literature and History,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China)
出处 《汉江师范学院学报》 2021年第2期7-12,共6页 Journal of Hanjiang Normal University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“抗战大后方文学史料数据库建设研究”(16ZDA191) 重庆市抗战文史研究基地2020年度开放性课题研究项目“光未然在抗战时期的创作研究”(20KZY03)。
关键词 光未然 朗诵诗 朗诵诗学理念 抗战时期 Guang Weiran reciting poetry the idea of recitation poetics during the War of Resistance