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更新日期:2021-05-20     浏览次数:175

摘要 2008年,著名作家阎连科聚焦"高校知识分子"的长篇小说《风雅颂》在刊物《西部·华语文学》甫一发表,就引起了巨大的争议。批评者认为,该作品明显影射北京大学,诋毁高校人文传统,肆意将高校知识分子形象妖魔化。作家阎连科在《风雅颂》出版单行本时,对初刊本进行了大量的增删和修改。后来,阎连科在其他版本中又进行了简单的修改,并对初刊本的内容进行了部分还原。本文通过"对校法"找出各版本之间的不同,并考察版本修改背后的各种影响因素,从而为读者更好地理解这部作品提供一种新思路。 In 2008,the publication of famous writer Yan Lianke’s long story Feng Ya Song which focuses on men of letters in universities and colleges in the journal West Chinese Literature arouse many debates.Many critics thought that the story referred to Beijing University and defamed college humanities traditions and demonized the scholars in universities and colleges.Later,when he published the offprint and made big increase and pruning and changes.And he also made some simple changes in other versions and recovered some content in the first version.This paper compared the differences among different versions and analyzed the related influencing factors as to help the readers to better understand the work.
作者 韩爱强 HAN Ai-qiang(Hui People’s Literature,Changji 831100,China)
机构地区 回族文学杂志社
出处 《汉江师范学院学报》 2021年第2期13-18,共6页 Journal of Hanjiang Normal University
关键词 阎连科 《风雅颂》 版本罗列 对校举隅释义 修改动因考察 Yan Lianke Feng Ya Song version collection study change driver