更新日期:2021-05-20     浏览次数:227

摘要 针对兖矿集团有限公司下属冲击地压矿井数量多、地区分布广、条件差异性大、致冲机理复杂等导致的冲击地压防控难题,通过冲击地压多参量联合监测预警方法研究、监测监控平台系统开发和现场实践,开展了新形势下冲击地压监控预警新模式的探索。研究与实践结果表明:①通过在空间上进行冲击地压监测分区,依据致冲因素进行监测参量选择与权重系数的设置,可以实现冲击地压分类监测与预警,提升了监测预警准确性;②提出“常规预警”与“特殊条件预警”相结合的预警机制,可通过对某一特定测区的地质及开采技术因素分析,定制各监测参量的权重系数,提高预警算法的普适性和针对性;③提出空间上井上与井下、时间上静态数据与动态数据、强度上采掘速度与预警指标、管理上预警与处置的四维数据分析理念,通过对监测参量的多维度分析,实现了监测数据的深度挖掘,提高了冲击地压监测数据的利用效果;④开发了平台系统,实现了矿井与防冲研究中心、井上与井下、静态数据与动态数据、预警结果与现场处置措施等智能联动及自动上报功能,提高了冲击地压监测预警和管理的时效性,降低了人力成本。 Yankuang Group Co.,Ltd.has many coal mines that are suffering coalbursts.These coal mines differ from each other with different regions,different geological,and geotechnical conditions.From the perspective of the research center for coal burst prevention and control,researches on the multi-parameter joint monitoring and early warning method of coal burst,the development of the monitoring platform system,and the field practice,the exploration of the monitoring early warning mode of coal burst in the new situation have been conducted.Research results are as follows:①The classification monitoring and early warning of coalbursts can be realized and the accuracy of monitoring and early warning can be improved by dividing coalburst monitoring area in space,selecting monitoring parameters and setting weight coefficients according to impact factors.②A combined warning mechanism of''conventional warning''and''special condition warning''was proposed,which can be customized to set the weight coefficients of each monitoring parameter by analyzing the geological and mining technology factors in a specific survey area,aiming to improve the universality and pertinence of the early warning algorithm.③The concept of four-dimensional data analysis was put forward,including surface and underground of space,static data and dynamic data on the time,mining speed and early warning index in intensity,and early warning and disposal in management.④A platform system to realize intelligent linkage and automatic reporting functions,such as mine and coalburst prevention research center,surface and underground,static data and dynamic data,early warning results and on-site disposal measures has been developed,which improves the timeliness of monitoring early warning and management of coal burst,and reduced the labor cost.
作者 张修峰 曲效成 魏全德 ZHANG Xiufeng;QU Xiaocheng;WEI Quande(Coal Burst Prevention and Control Research Centre,Yankuang Group Co.,Ltd.,Zoucheng 273500,China;Beijing Anke Xingye Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《采矿与岩层控制工程学报》 北大核心 2021年第1期65-74,共10页 Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51904017,51674014,51634001) 山东省重大科技创新工程资助项目(2019SDZY02)。
关键词 冲击地压 监测预警 平台 多维度 多参量 coal burst monitoring and early alarming platform multi-dimension multi-parameter