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摘要 为了实现变量施肥过程中多种固体肥的实时自动配比、提高施肥控制系统的排肥量控制准确率,采用增量式PID闭环控制算法设计基于测土配方的多种固体肥精确施肥控制系统及与之配套的施肥装置,实现了氮、磷、钾3种固体肥的适时快速响应和实时精量施入。施肥控制系统主要包括主-从控制器模块、处方图模块、北斗卫星定位模块、测速模块、人机交互模块、施控电机模块和施肥量监测模块等。主控制器主要完成人机交互指令接收、北斗卫星定位信息获取、处方图施肥量查询、车速和施控电机的工作状态监测、从控制器工作指令下达等任务,人机交互模块实现主控制器和手机APP的通信;从控制器主要实现主控制器指令接收和施控电机工作控制。根据播种环节普遍采用中小型播种机的实际情况,模拟播种施肥机具行进速度为3.5~6.5 km/h,进行了实验室单一肥料排肥试验,试验表明,控制系统最大响应时间1.85 s,平均响应时间1.45 s。在设定施肥量50、100、200、300 kg/hm2下,模拟行进速度为4、5、6 km/h时,控制系统的排肥量准确率达97.16%,监测准确率98.56%。进行了田间试验,制作了哈尔滨市双城区东海村测土配方施肥的处方图,在车速为4、5、6 km/h时,尿素、磷酸二铵、硫酸钾的排肥量准确率分别达97.22%、98.60%和97.73%,满足精确施肥系统的施肥精度要求。 Aiming to realize the real-time automatic proportioning of various solid fertilizers in the process of variable rate fertilization and improve the accuracy of the fertilization control system,a variable solid-fertilizer closed-loop fertilization control system and corresponding fertilizer apparatus based on the prescription map was designed for nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P)and potassium(K)fertilizers by using increment PID control algorithm.The system mainly included master-slave controllers,prescription map,Beidou positioning module,speed measuring module,human-machinery interface,electric fertilization motors and fertilization monitoring modules.The function of master controller was as follows:receiving the instructions from human-machinery interface,positioning data acquiring from Beidou module,measuring vehicle speed by Hall sensor module,reading theoretical fertilization amount from prescription map,monitoring the working status of electric fertilization motors,and sending the fertilization instructions to slave controller.Human-machinery interface was used to set or read the operation parameters between master controller and mobile APP.The slave controller received and delivered fertilization motors instructions.According to the fact that small and medium-sized seeders were widely used in field production in China,the laboratory experiments were carried out with the speeds of fertilization applicator setting in the range of 3.5 km/h to 6.5 km/h,and the maximum and the mean response time of the control system was obtained of 1.85 s and 1.45 s,respectively.When the fertilization rates were set as 50 kg/hm2,100 kg/hm2,200 kg/hm2 and 300 kg/hm2 at vehicle speeds of 4 km/h,5 km/h,and 6 km/h,the accuracy of control and monitoring were more than 97.16%and 98.56%,respectively.In the field experiment in Donghai Village,Shuangcheng District,Harbin,China,with vehicle speeds of 4 km/h,5 km/h,6 km/h,the application accuracy of urea,diammonium phosphate and potassium chloride based on a soil prescription map were
作者 张继成 严士超 纪文义 朱宝国 郑萍 ZHANG Jicheng;YAN Shichao;JI Wenyi;ZHU Baoguo;ZHENG Ping(College of Electrical and Information,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;College of Engineering,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;Jiamusi Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jiamusi 154007,China)
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期99-106,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(LH2020E002) 黑龙江省博士后基金项目(LBH-Q18013) 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD0201001)。
关键词 变量施肥 施肥控制系统 人机交互APP 增量式PID控制算法 variable rate fertilization fertilization control system human-machinery interface APP incremental PID control algorithm