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更新日期:2021-05-21     浏览次数:189

摘要"十三五"期间,我国职业教育迎来重大发展机遇期,《国家职业教育改革实施方案》重磅推出,中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划顺利启动,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》圆满收官,职业教育成为与普通教育同等重要的类型教育。然而,受各种因素制约,我国职业教育发展还面临诸多困难,存在体制机制不完善等制约职业教育发展的问题,如何建立健全中国特色现代职业教育体系还处于从"点题"到"破题"的进程中,需要从完善体系、构建制度、制定标准、促进合作、推动试点、深化改革等层面进行深层次的改革,构建具有中国特色的现代职业教育体系,进而为推进职业教育改革落实"奋进之笔"、谱写新时代职业教育改革新篇章提供助力保障,为"十四五"职业教育高质量发展开好篇、布好局,让职业教育"大有作为"。During the"13th Five-Year Plan"period,vocational education welcomed major development opportunities.The Implementation Plan for National Vocational Education Reform was launched.The plan for developing high-level vocational schools and majors with Chinese characteristics was kick-started.The implementation of the"Outline of National Medium-and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan(2010-2020)"was accomplished.Vocational education was no longer the alternative education and instead rose to be as important as general education.But due to various factors,China’s vocational education still faces many difficulties and problems despite the golden opportunities,and there are still institutional problems that strangle its development.We have long been calling for establishing a sound modern vocational education system with Chinese characteristics,but haven’t found the right way.This paper sorts out and summarizes the current difficulties,pain points,and barriers threatening the development of vocational education,and proposes improving existing systems,constructing new ones,formulating standards,promoting cooperation and pilot projects,and deepening reforms.Through these efforts,we can build a modern vocational education system with Chinese characteristics,support the implementation of the guiding principles of the National Education Conference,and the vocational education reform,write a new chapter of vocational education reform in the new era,deliver a good opening for the high-quality development of vocational education in the"14th Five-Year Plan"period,and give vocational education a bigger role to play.
作者廖龙 王贝Liao Long;Wang Bei(Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology,Shenzhen 518029)
出处《职业技术教育》 北大核心  2021年第6期8-12,共5页Vocational and Technical Education
基金深圳市教育科学规划2020年度课题“先行示范区背景下深圳职业教育现状、问题与对策研究”(ybfz20009),主持人:廖龙 深圳信息职业技术学院2020年度校级科研项目“双高院校提质培优打造中国特色现代职教体系改革模式探析”(SZIIT2020KS010),主持人:廖龙 深圳信息职业技术学院2020年度校级科研项目“基于动力因素模型的现代学徒制体系研究与实践”(SZIIT2020SK004),主持人:王贝
关键词“十四五” 现代职业教育体系 类型教育 高质量发展"14th Five-Year Plan" modern vocational education system type education high-quality development
分类号G719.2 [文化科学—职业技术教育学]