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摘要 利用SF6分解产物检测来判断GIS故障发展程度已成为一种有效手段,在搭建的实验平台上展开200℃~360℃局部过热模拟实验,研究SF6热分解特性。当实验温度较高时(320℃~360℃),新增SO2F2、H2S、COS三种产物。在绝缘设备充满大量SF6子的背景下,分解产生的H2和COS的含量极少,给气体检测带来了困难。文中提出将SO2F2作为设备故障进入严重状态的标志气体,同时用量子化学计算法在B3LYP/6-311G(+d,p)水平下对SO2F2生成机理和能量条件进行研究。发现SO2F2通过F2碎片与气室内SO2反应、F原子与SO2F结合、SOF 4水解反应这三条途径得到,其中SO2与F2反应是SO2F2的主要来源。实验现象与理论计算均表明:SO2F2的形成机制与高温息息相关,SO2F2出现,标志着设备故障处温度较高,SF6绝缘能力已遭到严重破坏。 It has become an effective method to judge the fault development of GIS by using the detection of SF6decomposition products.Overheating simulation experiments were carried out on the established experimental platform to study the thermal decomposition characteristics of SF6.When the experimental temperature was high(320℃~360℃),SO2F2、H2S and COS were detected.Under the background that the gas insulation equipment is filled with a large amount of SF6,the amounts of H2S and COS is very small,which poses a great challenge to gas detection.based on this,the generationof SO2F2can effectively reflect the SF6insulated equipment is under deteriorating.Meanwhile,the generation mechanism and energy conditions of SO2F2are studied at B3LYP/6-311g(+d,p)level by using quantum chemical calculation method.It was found that SO2F2was produced mainly through the following three reaction pathways:F2+SO2→SO2F2,F+SO2F→SO2F2,SOF 4+H2O→SO2F2+2HF.Experimental phenomena and theoretical calculations have shown that the formation mechanism of SO2F2is closely related to fault temperature.The presence of SO2F2indicates that the fault temperature of the equipment is high and SF6insulation capability has been seriously damaged.
作者 张广东 唐露 杨军亭 温定筠 刘康 王永奇 ZHANG Guang-dong;TANG Lu;YANG Jun-ting;WEN Ding-jun;LIU Kang;WANG Yong-qi(Gansu Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid,Lan Zhou,Gansu 730070,China;School of Electric and Information Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China)
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2021年第1期27-32,共6页 Computing Technology and Automation
关键词 量子化学计算 生成机理 反应途径 quantum chemical calculation method generation mechanism reaction pathways