更新日期:2021-05-25     浏览次数:136

摘要 针对分布式电源接入后配电网故障定位困难的现状,构造了适应多分布式电源接入的故障电流编码方式、开关函数和评价函数。提出了基于改进遗传粒子群法的配电网故障定位方法,该方法有效融合了遗传算法在全局搜索方面和粒子群法在局部搜索方面的优势。建立配电网故障定位仿真实例,通过配电网系统单重故障和多重故障及FTU上传故障信息出现畸变情况的仿真对比分析,结果表明本方法具有更高的定位准确率和较快的收敛速度,且本方法抗干扰性更强。本研究成果可为配电网故障定位提供有效的参考和技术指导。 In view of the difficulty in locating distribution network fault after the access of distributed power supply,fault current coding mode,switching function and evaluation function are constructed to adapt to multi-distributed power supply access,and a fault location method based on improved genetic particle swarm optimization is proposed,the method effectively combines the advantages of genetic algorithm in global search and particle swarm optimization in local search.A simulation example of distribution network fault location is presented,the simulation of single fault and multiple fault of distribution network system and the distortion of fault information uploaded by FTU were compared and analyzed,the results show that the proposed method has higher accuracy and faster convergence rate,and the method has stronger anti-interference.The research results can provide effective reference and technical guidance for fault location of distribution network.
作者 张波 唐亮 梁晓伟 李明 张靖 唐轶轩 ZHANG Bo;TANG Liang;LIANG Xiao-wei;LI Ming;ZHANG Jing;TANG Yi-xuan(State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.Ltd.,Hefei,Anhui 230022,China;State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute,Hefei,Anhui 230601,China;Information&Telecommunication Branch,State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.Ltd.,Hefei,Anhui 230061,China)
出处 《计算技术与自动化》 2021年第1期33-37,共5页 Computing Technology and Automation
关键词 配电网 故障定位 分布式电源 遗传算法 粒子群算法 distribution network fault location distributed power supply genetic algorithm particle swarm optimization