更新日期:2021-05-25     浏览次数:151
核心提示:摘要针对某临近空间望远镜高面形精度和0°~65°观测角度的要求,设计了816 mm口径的SiC主镜组件。依据经验公式和拓扑优化方法,完成了主镜的设

摘要 针对某临近空间望远镜高面形精度和0°~65°观测角度的要求,设计了816 mm口径的SiC主镜组件。依据经验公式和拓扑优化方法,完成了主镜的设计,基于大口径反射镜复合支撑原理、功能分配和指标分配以及解耦标准设计了主镜支撑组件,最后根据支撑结构形式和装配公差要求设计了主镜组件装配工装并制定了装配工艺流程。对主镜组件进行了静力学和动力学仿真验证,然后对主镜组件进行振动、面形检测和倾角等试验验证。试验结果表明,主镜组件在光轴水平,1 g重力作用下面形精度RMS值为0.019λ(λ=632.8 nm),反射镜翻转180°后的面形RMS为0.02λ;总质量为102.7 kg,基频为171 Hz,振动前后RMS值基本不变,与分析结果吻合。证明该主镜组件的设计与装调工艺的合理性,满足临近空间望远镜的设计要求。 To meet the requirements of the near-surface telescope's high surface accuracy and 0°-65°obser⁃vation angle,aΦ816-mm SiC aperture primary mirror assembly was designed.The design of the primary mirror was completed according to the empirical formula and topology optimization method.based on the principle of compound support of large-aperture mirrors and the methods of function allocation and index al⁃location,a primary mirror support assembly was designed,and decoupling standards were formulated.Ac⁃cording to the supporting structure and assembly tolerance design requirements for the primary mirror component assembly tooling and assembly process.Finite-element software was used to verify the statics and dynamics of the primary mirror assembly,and the primary mirror assembly was verified by performing ex⁃periments such as vibration,surface shape detection,and inclination.The test results show that the prima⁃ry mirror assembly is at the optical axis level,RMS value of the profiling accuracy under the action of 1 g gravity is 0.019λ(λ=632.8 nm),and RMS of the surface shape after the mirror is turned by 180°is 0.02λ.The total mass is 102.7 kg,fundamental frequency is 171 Hz,and RMS values before and after vi⁃bration are unchanged,which is consistent with the analysis results.The results proved that the design and installation process of the composite support are reasonable,and that they meet the design requirements of near-space telescopes.
作者 罗致帮 李巍 徐佳坤 王克军 王晓东 LUO Zhi-bang;LI Wei;XU Jia-kun;WANG Ke-jun;WANG Xiao-dong(Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China;Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期558-570,共13页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)资助(No.XDA1704010205) 国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(No.11703027)。
关键词 临近空间 复合支撑 仿真分析 面形检测 力学试验 near space compound support simulation analysis surface shape error test mechanical test