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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:278

摘要 产教融合是深化教育改革,促进人才培养和产业需求融合的重要举措。以政策为视角,基于我国职业教育产教融合政策演变历程特征的研究发现,主体、环境、内生变量和外生变量这四个因素在产教融合政策变迁中起着重要作用。通过对我国职业教育产教融合政策现存问题进行分析,提出我国职业教育产教融合政策的未来发展调适方式,包括构建多元产教融合政策制定组织体系;完善政策支持体系与保障机制;建立和完善执行体系等方法。 The integration of industry and education is an important measure to deepen the education reform and promote the integration of talent training and industrial demand.From the perspective of policy,based on the characteristics of the evolution of industry-vocational education integration policy in China,it was found that the main body,environment,internal variables and external variables play an important role in the change of industry-education integration policy.Through the analysis of the existing problems in the industry-vocational education integration policy,several adjusting methods for the future development of the industry-vocational education integration were proposed,including:(1)constructing a pluralistic policy-making organizational system of industry-vocational education integration,(2)improving the policy support system and the safeguard mechanism,and(3)establishing and improving the implementation system.
作者 林欣 钟夏平 LIN Xin;ZHONG Xia-ping(Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University,Guangzhou 510665,China)
出处 《高等职业教育探索》 2021年第3期40-45,共6页 Higher Vocational Education Exploration
基金 广东省2019年研究生教育创新计划项目“广东技术师范大学——广东省贸易职业技术学校研究生联合培养基地” 广东技术师范大学2020年研究生教育创新计划项目校级实践基地“广州市财经职业学校”(202001003) 广东技术师范大学2019年校级基础教育和中等职业技术教育研究项目“中职学校财经商贸类专业校企合作成效的影响因素研究”。
关键词 职业教育 产教融合 政策 校企合作 利益 vocational education industry-vocational education integration policy school-enterprise cooperation interest