更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:403

摘要 [目的/意义]无论是战略性情报研究还是领域信息分析都需要解决由信息的量和质交织而成的"信息迷雾"问题。[方法/过程]文章对社交媒体和情报工作中常见的信息迷雾成因进行梳理,探索针对信息迷雾的情报感知意义,从迷雾源头感知、迷雾信息甄别和迷雾影响分析三个方面构建信息迷雾辨识所需的情报感知框架,并基于信息迷雾生命周期阶段特征提出以情报能力为核心的情报感知应对策略循环。[结果/结论]信息迷雾的产生与发展必将长期对情报能力的建设构成挑战,情报前瞻感知和情报刻画积累必会成为破解信息迷雾问题的主要抓手。 [Purpose/significance]Whether it is strategic information research or domain information analysis,it is necessary to solve the disinformation problem intertwined by the quantity and quality of information.[Method/process]This research sorts out the performances of disinformation in social media and information work,explores the significance of the information perception for disinformation,and constructs information awareness framework from three aspects:source perception,information discrimination and impact analysis.based on the stage characteristics of the life cycle of disinformation,the research proposes an information awareness response strategy cycle with information capabilities as the core.[Result/conclusion]The research believes that the disinformation is an important research object of information awareness,which challenges information capabilities,and information forward-looking perception and information portrayal accumulation are the methods to deal with the disinformation.
作者 赵柯然 王延飞 Zhao Keran
出处 《情报理论与实践》 北大核心 2021年第3期1-5,12,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“面向国家战略的情报学教育与发展研究”的阶段性研究成果,项目编号:20&ZD332。
关键词 情报感知 信息迷雾 情报刻画 情报能力 information awareness disinformation information description information capability