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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:218

摘要 建立了气相色谱/质谱联用法测定纺织品中多种异味物质的方法。样品经吹扫、捕集及热脱附后,用气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS)测定,采用外标法定量。对GC/MS的仪器条件、吹扫捕集器(P&T)影响因素(吹扫时间和温度、吹扫流速、脱附条件等)、基质效应、样品量等条件进行优化。在最佳实验条件下,10种异味物质的质量分数与峰面积在一定范围内呈线性关系,方法的检出限为4.1~9.0μg/kg,相关系数为0.9980~0.9999,平均加标回收率为77.29%~100.24%,相对标准偏差为2.3%~8.6%。方法灵敏、简便、环境友好,可用于纺织品中10种异味物质的测定。 A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method was established for the determination of various odor compounds in textiles.After purging,trapping and thermal desorption,the samples were deter⁃mined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/MS)and quantified by external standard method.The in⁃strument parameters of GC/MS,influence factors of purge and trap(P&T)collector(purging time and tempera⁃ture,purging flow rate,desorption conditions,etc.),matrix effect,sample amount were optimized.Under the optimal experimental condition,there was a linear relationship between the mass fraction of 10 odor com⁃pounds and their peak area in a certain range of mass fraction.The detection limit of the method was 4.1~9.0μg/kg,the correlation coefficient was 0.9980~09999,the average standard substance recovery rate was 77.29%~100.24%,and the relative standard deviation was 2.3%~8.6%.The method was sensitive,rapid and en⁃vironmental friendly,and was suitable for the determination of 10 odour compounds in textiles.
作者 顾娟红 严敏 柳艳 徐振东 GU Juanhong;YAN Min;LIU Yan;XU Zhendong(Comprehensive Technology Center of Suzhou Customs,Suzhou 215104,China;Suzhou World Standard Testing Technology Co.Ltd.,Suzhou 215104,China)
出处 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期55-59,共5页 Textile Auxiliaries
基金 南京海关科技计划项目(2017KJ27)。
关键词 气相色谱/质谱法 异味物质 纺织品 吹扫捕集 gas chromatography/mass spectrometry odour compounds textiles P&T