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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:174

摘要 浙东锣鼓是中国传统吹打乐的代表性乐种之一,它依附于民间礼俗仪式场域,是仪式行为的音声表达。在浙东一带,凡岁时节庆、庙会社火、婚丧仪礼、祭祖祈神、开渔谢洋等民间礼俗活动皆离不开锣鼓。浙东锣鼓之所以生生不息流传至今,是因为它具有礼俗文化基质和礼俗仪式功能,并在传承中不断发展。民众在礼俗仪式音乐中,获得了传统文化的认同感和本土文化身份的归属感。 Gongs and drums in Eastern Zhejiang is one of the typical percussion music types in China.It lives in folk etiquette and customs rites and occasions,representing ritual behaviors in the form of sound.In Eastern Zhejiang Province,Gongs and drums are absolutely necessary during festivals and rites,such as temple fairs,marriage or funeral etiquette,ancestor worship,fishing-day opening festivals,etc.The reason why it can be passed on to this day is because of its etiquette culture and ritual function.Folks obtains the identification of traditional culture and the sense of identification belongs of local culture during etiquette and customs ritual music.
作者 陈辉 CHEN Hui(School of Art&Design,Taizhou University,Taizhou,Zhejiang,318000)
出处 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2021年第1期167-172,185,共7页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 2019年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目“浙东锣鼓研究”(项目编号:19NDJC132YB)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 音乐艺术 浙东锣鼓 礼俗仪式:表现形态 Gongs and drums in Eastern Zhejiang Etiquette and customs rites Performance