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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:156

摘要 毋庸讳言,在近年电影票房不断攀升以至中国大陆臻于全球第二大国内电影市场之时,不少国产电影的艺术性、思想性亦饱受争议。市场需求与美学价值的抵牾体现出电影创作者在平衡艺术性与大众性上的偏狭——急功近利的价值取向、理想空泛的题旨内涵、浮夸炫技的视觉追求与审美消退的影像表达等是其动因。基于艺术性与大众性的辩证视阈,近年来国产高票房电影,有着其市场成功之道与艺术价值尚需深入开掘之表征,置身转型升级、内在增长、国际传播等发展期,国产电影产业正确坚持形式为支撑的内容至上、艺术规律的创新性探索、道德理性的文化坚守、观众审美需求的正确把握等底线思维和原则策略,无疑对国产电影的当下和未来实践大有裨益。 Needless to say,the artistry and ideological nature of many domestic films have also been controversial in recent years when the box office of films has been rising so that the mainland of China has reached the second largest domestic film market in the world.The contradiction between market demand and aesthetic value reflects the narrowness of film creators in balancing artistry and popularity-the value orientation of achieving quick success and getting instant benefit,the vague of theme connotation,the visual pursuit of flashy technology and the image expression of aesthetic fading are their motivations.Taking domestic high-box-office movies in recent years as an example,based on the dialectical perspective of artistry and popularity,analyzing the successful way of Film market and the characterization of artistic value that still needs to be further explored.During the development period of transformation and upgrading,internal growth and international communication,it also makes rational discussions and judgments on how the domestic film industry adheres to the bottom line thinking and principle strategies such as the content of form support,innovative exploration of artistic rules,cultural adherence of moral rationality and correct grasp of audience’s aesthetic needs will be of great benefit to the current and future practice of domestic films.
作者 峻冰 JUN Bing(The Institute of Comparative Filmology,School of Literature&Journalism,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610064)
出处 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2021年第1期196-203,共8页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 2013年度中央高校社科一般项目“中韩当代电影创作与产业比较研究”(项目编号:skqy201354)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 国产高票房电影 艺术性 大众性 辩证 价值判断 Domestic High Box Office Movies Artistry Popularity Dialectics Value Judgment