更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:172

摘要 通过分析国产"JLF-6206"全拉伸丝(FDY)纺丝油剂的基本物化指标、生产过程中张力、发烟量、染色性、上油均匀性等性能,并通过纺丝和下游织造试验验证该油剂对44.4 dtex/12 f锦纶FDY可纺性的影响。通过与进口油剂"JL-101"做对比,得出国产纺丝油剂具备与进口油剂相似的使用效果,能满足44.4 dtex/12 f锦纶FDY的生产要求。用国产油剂替代进口油剂既能降低企业的经营成本,又能达到进口油剂的使用效果。 The properties of the domestic FDY spinning oil which named "JLF-6206" in conventional physical and chemical indexs, tension during production, amount of smoke, chromaticity, uniformity of oiling, etc were analyzed and assessed comprehensively. The spinnability of the domestic oil on 44.4 dtex/12 f polyamide full drawn yarn(FDY) was verified by spinning and downstream weaving. Compared with imported FDY spinning oil which named"JL-101", the results show that the domestic FDY spinning oil has similar application performance as imported similar products, which can meet the requirements of 44.4 dtex/12 f polyamide FDY spinning. It is feasible to replace imported oil agent with domestic oil agent, which can reduce the operating cost of enterprises and achieve the use effect of imported oil agent.
作者 毛行功 MAO Xing-gong(Cliangle Highsun Synthetic Fiber Tec hnology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350207,Fujian,China)
出处 《合成纤维》 CAS 2021年第3期18-21,共4页 Synthetic Fiber in China
关键词 锦纶FDY 纺丝油剂 可纺性 染色 polyamide FDY spinning oil spinnability dye