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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:322

摘要 师德修养一直是学界十分关注的重要问题。进入新时代,党和国家相关文件对师德修养提出了更高要求。究竟如何提升新时代师德修养水平,使其符合新时代的要求,是亟待我们研究的课题。新时代师德修养不可能一蹴而就,需要逐步提升,经历道德楷模、道德君子和道德圣贤三重境界。道德楷模阶段,师德表现在职业道德规范上,"社会"是教师的道德指向,教师在社会角色安排下遵守职业道德规约;道德君子阶段,师德表现在内在道德品质上,"自我"是教师的道德指向,教师在主体性意识的推动下获得内在道德品质;道德圣贤阶段,师德表现在高尚道德人格上,"他者"是教师的道德指向,教师在善良意志的驱使下实现人性完善。道德楷模、道德君子和道德圣贤三重境界必不可少,螺旋式上升,逐步达成师德修养提升目标。 The cultivation of teachers’ morality has always been an important issue in academic circles.Since entering the new era,people from all walks of life have paid more attention to the cultivation of teachers’ ethics,which has gradually become the focus of research.How to improve the moral cultivation of teachers in the new era and make them meet the requirements of the new era is an important issue that we need to study.We think the teachers’ ethics fosterage is the proper meaning of teacher’s professional development,which includes three levels:moral model,man of moral and moral saint.In the level of moral model,the main representation of teachers’ moral is professional code of ethics,and the moral aim is"society".Teachers follow the professional code of ethics because of the arrangement of character.In the level of man of moral,the main representation of teachers’ moral is moral trait inside,and the moral aim is"self".Teachers hold the moral trait because of subject consciousness.In the level of moral saint,the main representation of teachers’ moral is noble moral personality,and the moral aim is"the other".Teachers attain the humanity perfection because of goodwill.The three stages of moral model,man of moral and moral saint are essential,which spiral up and gradually achieve the improvement of teachers’ moral cultivation.
作者 闫建璋 Yan Jianzhang(School of Teachers'Edupation,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen Shanxi 041000,Chin)
出处 《教育科学》 北大核心 2021年第1期17-22,共6页 Education Science
基金 国家社科基金(教育学)一般项目“中国古代教师立德树人的思想与行为研究”(项目编号:BOA200051)。
关键词 师德 道德楷模 道德君子 道德圣贤 teacher’s moral moral model man of moral moral saint