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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:203

摘要 全面、系统地研究幼小衔接政策内容是反思幼小衔接政策制定科学性的基础,也是深入研究幼小衔接政策执行的依据。自中华人民共和国成立至今,我国幼小衔接政策文本中对幼小衔接实施主体和实施对象、幼小衔接实施目标、幼小衔接实施措施以及幼小衔接实施保障等四个方面进行了规范。对政策规范的目标、对象和措施三个要素在完整性、科学性和创新性三个维度进行分析发现,幼小衔接政策存在政策目标只重视解决表层问题,政策对象不够全面,政策措施缺乏系统配套等局限。今后我国幼小衔接政策内容的完善,应当进一步明确幼小衔接政策的目标,精准清晰地规范幼小衔接政策的对象,健全幼小衔接政策中的配套措施。 A comprehensive and systematic study of China’s kindergarten-primary school transition policy content is the basis for rethinking the scientific nature of the policy,and it is also the basis for in-depth research on the implementation of the policy.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China’s kindergarten-primary school transition policy had regulated four aspects:the implementing body and objects,the goals of implementing,the implementation measures,and the implementation guarantee of the transition.Through the analysis of the three elements of policy norms,objectives,targets,and measures in the three dimensions of completeness,scientificity,and innovation,it is found that the policy objectives of the policy for the convergence of young children only focus on solving surface problems,the policy targets are not comprehensive enough,and the policy measures lack a system matching.In the future,to improve the content of China’s kindergarten-primary school transition policy,we should further clarify the goals of the policy,define policy objects accurately and clearly,and improve the supporting measures.
作者 刘源 张志勇 Liu Yuan;Zhang Zhiyong(School of Education,Shandong Women's University,Jinan Shandong 250300,China;China Institute of Education Policy,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《教育科学》 北大核心 2021年第1期83-89,共7页 Education Science
基金 教育部委托项目“《幼儿园与小学科学衔接行动计划》起草研究”。
关键词 教育政策 幼小衔接政策 政策内容分析 education policy kindergarten-primary school transition policy policy content analysis