更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:230

摘要 黄铁矿(FeS2)是煤中主要含铁矿物质,且对煤利用具有重要影响,本研究以物理混合的方式在脱灰宁夏无烟煤上负载不同质量分数(0.5%,1%,2%,3%)的黄铁矿,通过水蒸气活化制备活性焦,分析黄铁矿对活性焦制备及污染物脱除性能的影响。结果表明:黄铁矿在活性焦制备过程中发生分解,在水蒸气的参与下最终转化为赤铁矿(Fe2O3),且对活性焦的孔结构、微晶结构和表面化学性质等理化结构的形成起调控作用;黄铁矿的加入进一步促进了活性焦微中孔的发育,过量的黄铁矿使煤焦碳结构的无序性增加、石墨化程度降低、孔结构坍塌,NX-1%FeS2-AC(NX为宁夏酸洗煤,AC为活性焦)的比表面积最高,达到了771 m2/g;黄铁矿可以促进活性焦酸碱官能团的生成,随着黄铁矿含量的增加,活性焦硫容呈现先升高后下降趋势,NX-1%FeS2-AC表现出最佳的脱硫能力,为68.49 mg/g;与SO2吸附相比,NO的吸附效果较差,随着黄铁矿含量的增加,NO转化率降低;同时脱硫脱硝过程中,NO吸附迅速达到饱和,整体硫容升高。 Pyrite is the main inorganic iron-containing mineral in coal and has crucial influence on coal utilization.In this study,different contents of pyrite(0.5%,1%,2%,3%,mass fraction)were loaded on deashing Ningxia anthracite by physical mixing.Activated carbon(AC)was prepared by method of steam activation,and the influence of pyrite on AC preparation and pollutant removal was analyzed.It is found that FeS2 is decomposed during the preparation of AC and eventually converted into hematite(Fe2O3)with the participation of water vapor,and plays a regulatory role in the formation of physicochemical structures such as pore structure,microcrystalline structure and surface chemical properties.The addition of pyrite further promotes the development of ACs’micropores.Excessive pyrite’s addition increases the disorder of the carbon structure of coal coke,reduces the graphitization degree and pore structure is collapsed.The specific surface area of NX-1%FeS2-AC is the highest,reaching 771 m2/g.Pyrite can promote the formation of acid-base functional groups of activated carbon.With the increase of pyrite content,the sulfur capacity first increases and then decreases.NX-1%FeS2-AC shows the best desulfurization capacity,which is 68.49 mg/g.Compared with SO2 adsorption,the adsorption effect of NO is lower,which is mainly affected by the pore structure.With the increase of pyrite content,NO conversion decreases.Simultaneously,NO and SO2 removal shows that NO is rapidly saturated,overall sulfur capacity increases.
作者 李朝 张慧荣 郭彦霞 程芳琴 LI Chao;ZHANG Huirong;GUO Yanxia;CHENG Fangqin(Institute of Resources and Environment Engineering,Shanxi University,State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization Technology of Coal Waste Resources,030006 Taiyuan,China)
出处 《煤炭转化》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期9-17,共9页 Coal Conversion
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21808130和U1810209).
关键词 黄铁矿 活性焦 理化结构 硫容 NO转化率 pyrite activated carbon physical and chemical structure sulfur capacity NO conversion