更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:152

摘要 八五美术新潮后的中国当代艺术包含了深刻的生态环境保护意识,在生态审美意识的表达方式上呈现若干基本特征。首先,于艺术表达的倾向而言,艺术家往往注重过程性,而非仅仅将作品呈现为固定形态的物质性结果。从思想主旨层面观之,中国当代艺术具有放大性,使熟视无睹的生态破坏现象经过艺术化放大被推向公众视野;从艺术表达形式层面观之,具有动态性,有意识地解构二维平面架上艺术的传统再现方式;从创作过程本身观之,具有持续性,艺术家往往用生命的绵延性诠释自然环境演变的概念。其次,从观众审美接受及其与作品意义塑造的关系而言,中国当代艺术具有体验性、共情性、参与性。再次,从作品的存在形态及其与环境的关系而言,中国当代艺术具有因地性、互释性、融合性。基于上述若干特征,以生态环保为主题的中国当代艺术总体呈现延展性与诗意性。 Corresponding to the world-wide environmental crisis,Chinese contemporary art is attributed with profound ecological aesthetic consciousness and some basic features in the expression of eco-aesthetic consciousness since the 85 New Wave.First of all,the artists believe that the process of creation is more important than material artworks as the fixed results.They artistically exaggerate the environmental pollution and ecological damages,which have been ignored for many decades and brought before the public by art exhibitions and programs.Meanwhile,they attempted to destruct and transcend the traditional ways of art expression in 2D paintings,and emphasized persistence of life to interpret the process of dynamic changes of natural environment.Secondly,the audience's reception of these contemporary artworks and reconstruction of their meanings are of aesthetic experience,simulation and participation.Thirdly,with respect to the relation between existing form and environment,these artworks are of such characteristics as locality,inter-interpretability and integration.based on characteristics mentioned above,Chinese contemporary artworks with the theme of ecology and environmental protection are extensive and poetic.
作者 刘心恬 Liu Xintian(Shandong University of Arts, Jinan 250300, China)
出处 《江苏大学学报:社会科学版》 北大核心 2021年第2期52-60,73,共10页 Journal of Jiangsu University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(16ZDA111)。
关键词 当代艺术 生态艺术 生态审美意识 生态人文关怀 生态美学 contemporary art installation performing art ecological art ecological aesthetic consciousness