更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:187

摘要 经济犯罪案件的数据化侦查模式已成为当代打击经济犯罪的趋势,可通过数据比对、数据碰撞、数据挖掘等数据研判技术,将数据转化为经济犯罪侦查情报和线索,继而落地进行数据缉捕和数据追赃工作。经过对数据的循环利用,实现对经济犯罪案件的全领域、全链条的波次打击,将大幅度提升经侦部门执法效率、破案水平以及服务经济建设大局的能力。 The data-based investigation mode of economic crime cases has become the current trend of combating economic crimes.Data can be transformed into economic crime investigation information and clues through data comparison,data collision,data mining and other data research and judgment technologies,and then data arrest and data recovery can be carried out on the ground.Through the recycling and utilization of data,the whole field and whole chain of economic crime cases will be hit in waves,which will greatly improve the law enforcement efficiency,the level of solving cases and the ability of economic investigation departments to serve the overall economic construction.
作者 李丽 何明 LI Li;HE Ming
出处 《江苏警官学院学报》 2021年第1期70-76,共7页 Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute
基金 山西警察学院2019年院级一般课题“山西省经济犯罪侦查数据化实战研究”(2019yyb008) “人工智能与侦查的融合前景”(2019yyb009)。
关键词 经济犯罪 侦查模式 数据资源 economic crime investigation mode data resource