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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:157

摘要 中日甲午战争后列强对于中国的侵略逐步升级,从经济到政治,再由政治到领土,最终掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮。而作为中国海关总税务司的赫德参与了中德有关胶州湾、中英有关威海卫与香港拓址的交涉。德国舰队占领胶州湾后,赫德首先建议总理衙门要求德国撤军。眼看德国撤军无望,赫德又转而劝说总理衙门尽快满足德国的要求,早日结束中德间的交涉。为了使英国也在抢占中国沿海重要港口方面分得一杯羹,赫德以清政府打算主动将威海卫租借给英国为由,将英国政府的目光引向威海卫,在中英有关威海卫的交涉中充当了双方沟通的桥梁。在中英有关香港拓址的交涉中,赫德向总理衙门建议由港英政府帮助中国在香港周边收税,从而引发了中英间有关九龙海关税卡去留的交涉。 After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894—1895,the foreign powers gradually escalated their aggression against China,from economy to politics,then from politics to territory,and finally set off a frenzy to carve up China.As the head of General Taxation Department of China Customs,Hart participated in the Sino-German negotiations on Jiaozhou Bay,the Sino-British negotiations on Weihaiwei and Hong Kong’s expansion.After the German fleet occupied Jiaozhou Bay,Hart first suggested that the Prime Minister’s Office ask Germany to withdraw its troops.Seeing that there was no hope of Germany’s withdrawal,Hart turned to persuade the Prime Minister’s Office to meet Germany’s requirements as soon as possible and end the Sino-German negotiations as soon as possible.In order to give Britain a share of the important ports along the coast of China,Hart directed the attention of the British government to Weihaiwei on the grounds that the Qing government intended to lease it to Britain,he served as a bridge of communication between the two sides in the Sino-British negotiations on Weihaiwei.In the Sino-British negotiations on Hong Kong’s expansion,Hart suggested to the Prime Minister’s Office that the British government in Hong Kong should help China collect taxes around Hong Kong,which triggered the Sino-British negotiations on the issue of the Kowloon Customs Tariff Card.
作者 张志勇 ZHANG Zhi-yong(Institute of Modern History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《北京教育学院学报》 2020年第6期81-86,共6页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Education
关键词 赫德 窦纳乐 总理衙门 胶州湾 威海卫 Hart Donald Prime Minister’s Office Jiaozhou Bay Weihaiwei