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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:135

摘要 维修中心参与回收是闭环供应链研究面临的新情境。本文将维修中心可以免费获得零部件的情形考虑进来,分别给出了回收商单回收渠道模式、回收商与第三方维修中心双回收渠道模式,在此基础上深入研究了两种模式下闭环供应链的定价决策及回收模式选择问题。结果表明:两种模式下,官方维修中心免费获得零部件数量的增加都会对制造商利润产生积极影响,但不会对其回购价产生影响;双回收渠道模式下,第三方维修中心免费获得零部件数量的增加会使制造商的回购价降低,使其利润增加。从有偿回收产品总数量最大化的角度来看,当第三方维修中心免费获得零部件的数量较低且两种渠道之间的竞争程度较高时,应该选择双回收渠道模式。从制造商利润最大化的角度来看,模式选取决策与两种模式下官方维修中心免费获得零部件数量的相对大小有关。 With the proposition of the extended producer responsibility,manufacturing companies are not only responsible for the production of products,but also for the recycling and disposal of waste products.At present,most manufacturing companies recycle waste products through recyclers,and ignore the recycling channel of the maintenance center.The maintenance center can not only recover the waste products for compensation,but also obtain replaced parts during the repair process for free,which can reduce the recycling cost.Taking this situation into account,we first propose two recycling modes:a single recycling channel mode of a recycler,a dual recycling channel mode of a third-party maintenance center and a recycler.The Stackelberg game model is used to obtain the optimal pricing of enterprises in the two modes.Second,we analyze the optimal solution and parameters of the model.Finally,we compare and analyze these two modes.Our research shows some interesting results.Under both modes,the increase in the quantity of parts obtained for free by the official maintenance center will have a positive impact on the manufacturer’s profit,but it will not affect the manufacturer’s repurchase price.Under a dual recycling channel mode,the repurchase price of the manufacturer decreases with the quantity of parts obtained for free by the third-party maintenance center,and the profit of the manufacturer increases with the quantity of parts obtained for free by the third-party maintenance center.From the perspective of maximizing the total quantity of paid recycled products,when the quantity of parts obtained for free by the third-party maintenance center is low and the degree of competition between the two channels is high,the dual recycling channel mode should be selected;otherwise,the single recycling channel mode should be selected.From the perspective of maximizing the profit of the manufacturer,the mode selection is related to the relative size of the quantity of free parts obtained by the official maintenance center under two
作者 卞文良 潘岳 王文宾 全诗苑 刘笑颜 BIAN Wen-liang;PAN Yue;WANG Wen-bin;QUAN Shi-yuan;LIU Xiao-yan(School of Economics and Management,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China;School of Management,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China;Department of Platform Ecology,China Mobile Group Beijing Company Limited,Beijing 100007,China)
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期76-82,共7页 Operations Research and Management Science
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0803207) 国家自然科学基金项目(71971210,71701200) 四川循环经济研究中心重点项目资助(XHJJ-1902)。
关键词 维修中心 闭环供应链 定价 回收模式 maintenance center closed-loop supply chain pricing recycling mode