更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:165
核心提示:摘要针对铀矿周边土壤污染修复问题,植物-微生物联合修复技术具备高效性、环保性优点,能有效解决土壤污染问题而受到人们广泛关注。根内球囊霉(Glomus i

摘要 针对铀矿周边土壤污染修复问题,植物-微生物联合修复技术具备高效性、环保性优点,能有效解决土壤污染问题而受到人们广泛关注。根内球囊霉(Glomus intraradice,Gi)可与大多数植物形成互利共生的关系,利用Gi接种黑麦草根部修复铀污染土壤。设置Gi接种黑麦草根部与未接种组对照,在不同浓度(18.74、52.15、112.40、202.40mg/kg)铀污染土壤进行修复模拟,探究Gi对黑麦草修复铀污染土壤的强化过程。结果表明,所有铀处理组接种Gi的菌根侵染率均大于50%;生物量显著提升,202.40mg/kg铀处理组中黑麦草地上部分、根部的生物量提升幅度达86%、136%;铀含量、生物富集系数以及吸收氮、磷、钾元素含量均显著提升,但转运系数均低于未接种处理组,说明Gi增强植物根部对铀的富集固定作用,抑制铀由根部向茎叶转移。综上所述,Gi可以增加宿主植物对铀金属毒性的抗逆能力,强化铀污染土壤的植物根部对铀的固定过程,有效提高黑麦草对铀的富集能力。 To effectively address repair of soil pollution,combined plant and microbial remediation technology has attracted much attention because of its high efficiency and environmental protection.Inoculation of Glomus intraradice(Gi)in roots of Lolium perenne was used to repair uranium contaminated soil because of its symbiotic relationship with most plants.Giinoculated Lolium perenne roots were compared with the non-AMF at different concentrations(18.74,52.15,112.40,202.40 mg/kg)and remediation simulation of uranium-contaminated soil was carried out to explore intensified process of Gi to remediate uranium-contaminated soil.The results show that all mycorrhizal infection rate of inoculated with Gi is 50% above and biomass rises significantly.Biomass of the upper part of Lolium perenne and roots in 202.40 mg/kg uranium treatment group rises by 86%%and 136%respectively.Uranium content,bioconcentration coefficient,and absorbed N,P,K element contents are all significantly raised,but transport coefficients are all lower than those of non-AMF.It shows that Gi enhances plant roots to fix uranium accumulation,and can inhibit uranium transfer from roots to stems and leaves.In summary,Gi can raise resistance of host plants to uranium metal toxicity,strengthen fixation process of uranium by plant roots in uranium-contaminated soil,and can effectively improve uranium accumulation ability of Lolium perenne.
作者 郭晨冉 陈井影 姚逸晖 牛天洋 卢玢宇 张泽雨 GUO Chen-ran;CHEN Jing-ying;YAO Yi-hui;NIU Tian-yang;LU Bin-yu;ZHANG Ze-yu(School of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China;State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Resources and Environment,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《有色金属:冶炼部分》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期65-70,共6页 Nonferrous metals(Extractive metallurgy)
基金 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20171BAB203027) 东华理工大学核资源与环境国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(Z1507)。
关键词 根内球囊霉 黑麦草 植物修复 uranium Glomus intraradice(Gi) Lolium perenne phytoremediation