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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:197

摘要 审美教化与诠释教化是经典教育的两种教化形态。人类社会早期,审美教化在最大程度上保留了经典作品与人类精神生活的亲密性,是经典教育的原初形态。诠释教化产生后,经典作品被下降为外在于人精神生活的教化之物。西方启蒙晚期,新古典主义运动试图以经典文学和艺术来恢复人性自由与完整,变革僵化的社会,是审美教化复归的尝试。在当代,诠释教化过于依赖经典作品的文本内容及其价值阐释,容易形成道德说教、历史灌输与知识考古的流弊。经典作品的现代性遭遇彰显了审美教化的现实批判性、文化反思性与道德自主性,复归审美教化并诉诸审美教育成为经典教育的当代选择。审美教化内在地要求把人作为审美主体,把经典作品视为艺术作品,把经典教育作为审美教育,从而完成人的自我理解和自我教化。 A classical education can be implemented either via a hermeneutic approach or an aesthetic one. In ancient times,classical books were read and appreciated as pieces of art or aesthetic objects,bringing us the ecstasy of beauty and self-discovery. However,with the emergence of the hermeneutic pedagogy,those books were turned into something cut-and-dry,taught just for moral lessons or knowledge impartment. During the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century,thanks to the Neoclassicism Movement,the aesthetic pedagogy was restored,for the purpose of cultivating true humanity and transforming our society as well. Today,we should be fully aware of the limitations of the hermeneutic pedagogy,reestablishing classical education as a means of aesthetic experience rather than a tool of indoctrination.
作者 夏泉源 扈中平 Xia Quanyuan;Hu Zhongping
出处 《现代大学教育》 北大核心 2021年第1期78-85,111,112,共10页 Modern University Education
关键词 经典教育 经典作品 教化意识 诠释教化 审美教化 自我教化 道德自主性 a classical education pedagogy a hermeneutics-driven approach an aesthetics-driven approach self-bildung