更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:173

摘要 欲知大道,必先为史。历史的启迪是民族和国家的共同财富,也是培育新时代青年勇于肩负时代使命的精神营养剂。当前,加强"四史"教育已成为新时代高校思想政治理论课程落实立德树人根本任务、推进课程改革创新、提升高校思想政治教育质量的重要举措。因此,"四史"教育与思政课程相结合,要注重发挥重大历史事件在宏观历史链条中的承启作用,发掘重要史实中蕴含的育人价值,将其科学运用于各门思政课程教学之中,通过两者叠加提升育人实效性。抗美援朝战争是党史和新中国历史上具有深远意义的里程碑。以抗美援朝史实运用于思政课程为例,将重要历史事件、案例等运用于各门思政课程,应当结合课程内容和育人目标找准着力点,通过创新历史陈述方式、构建思政大课堂,建设有历史视野的教师队伍,完善相关体制机制等路径,在切实加强"四史"教育的过程中拓展高校思政课程的创新思路,有效实现提质扩容。 History learning is the priority for truth seeking.At present,strengthening the education of the"Four Histories"has become an important measure for the ideological and political teaching in universities to accomplish the moraltity education,to innnovate the curriculum and to upgrade teaching quality in the new era.The integration of the"Four Histories"education and the ideological and political courses should focus on the role of major historical events in the chain of macroscopic history,explore the educational value contained in important historical facts,and apply them to the teaching scientifically.Taking the War to Resist U.S.Aggression and Aid Korea as an example,it is necessary to find out the initial point according the contents,to innovate the ways to narrate important historical events,to construct multiple and interactive curriculum,to establish teams of teachers with historical vision and to improve the relevant the system.In the process of strengthening the"Four Histories"education,new routes for ideological and political teaching will be broardened,and better teaching quality and more contents will be effectively realized.
作者 秦冰馥 QIN Bing-fu
出处 《延边大学学报:社会科学版》 2021年第3期86-92,142,143,共9页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
基金 吉林省教育科学“十三五”规划项目(GH180071)。
关键词 “四史”教育 抗美援朝战争 高校思政课程 "Four Histories"education War to Resist U.S.Aggression and Aid Korea ideological and political courses in universities