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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:175

摘要 医养结合的养老模式研究是21世纪学者们非常关注的新领域。采用可视化工具CiteSpace软件并基于文献基本特征、研究学者及机构、研究热点等角度,对来源于中国知网(CNKI)的2494篇文献进行可视化分析,结果发现:医养结合研究经历了“萌芽期”“缓慢发展期”及“快速增长期”三阶段;研究群体分布多以高校科研人员为主,研究机构则主要为医学类高校,且已基本形成一定规模的作者和机构合作网络;研究内容包括医养结合的老龄化问题、医养结合的养老方式和医养结合养老的模式特征等;在研究前沿方面长期护理、养老设施、新模式、生活质量等成为近年来医养结合领域的主流趋势;老龄化程度的加剧,未来该领域学者和机构应加强合作力度,延伸研究范畴,为推进医养结合发展提供更多元的实践路径。 The studies of medical binding is a new field that is very concerned about the 21st century scholars.The visualization tool CITESPACE software is used to visualize 2,494 documents from CNKI in China based on the basic characteristics of literature,research scholars and institutions and research hotspots.The results showed that the medical combination study experienced the"sprouting","slow development"and"rapid growth period"three stages;Research group distribution is more mainly based on college scientific research personnel;Research institutions are mainly medical colleges and universities.Vniversities and basically form a certain size of the author and agency partner network;The research content includes aging problems of medical binding,medical combination of pension mode and medical combination of pension model,etc.;The long-term nursing,pension facilities,new model,quality of life,etc.have become the medical combination in recent years with mainstream trend;The degree of aging is intensified.In the future,the scholars and institutions should strengthen cooperation,extend research,and provide more practical paths to promote medical combination development.
作者 王惠雁 李桥兴 WANG Hui-yan;LI Qiao-xing
出处 《生产力研究》 2021年第3期6-11,F0003,共7页 Productivity Research
基金 贵州省哲学社会科学规划联合基金课题“基于自组织理论的贵州省大数据产业生态系统演化机理研究”(18GZLH04) 贵州省国内一流学科建设项目“大数据科学与技术学科群”(GNYL[2017]005):贵州大学2020年度国家社科基金重大培育项目“基于文本分析的我国大数据产业政策演化研究”(GDPY2019005)。