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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:279

摘要 网络口碑引导了消费,然而对于网络口碑影响消费者心理和行为的机制研究仍缺乏明确结论。文章以消费者鼓舞为切入点,基于SOR理论和精细处理可能性模型,构建出一个有调节的中介模型,揭示了不同口碑成分对于消费者鼓舞和购买意愿的影响作用与中介机制,以及产品类型作为边界条件形成的差异。实证检验表明,网络口碑的偏向和评分对消费者鼓舞具有正向作用,但是网络口碑数量的影响却不显著。其次,消费者鼓舞在网络口碑对消费者购买意愿的影响中起到了中介作用,同时这种中介作用受到了产品类型的调节,相对非体验性产品而言,体验性产品的网络口碑会产生更强的消费者鼓舞与购买意愿,以及更强的中介作用。最后,实验结果检验和排除了信任对于消费者鼓舞的替代性解释。文章拓展了网络口碑的研究视角,为企业有针对性地完善口碑管理提供了理论基础和实践启示。 online word-of-mouth has been found to influence consumption.However,there are still no conclusive results about how online word-of-mouth affects consumer psychology and behavior.Therefore,this paper develops a moderated mediation model to examine the impacts of different online word-of-mouth components on consumers purchase intentions,from the consumer inspiration perspective.We further investigate the boundary condition due to different product types.This paper shows that the valence and ratings of online word-of-mouth have positive effects on inspiration,but the number of online word-of-mouth has no significant effect.Moreover,online word-of-mouth can positively influence consumers purchase intention,and inspiration has significant mediation effects in those relationships.However,this mediation effect is moderated by product types.Compared with the non-experiential product categories,online word-of-mouth of experiential products leads to stronger inspiration,which leads to stronger purchase intentions,and thus stronger mediation effects of inspiration.Finally,a well-controlled experiment was conducted to rule out the alternative explanation of trust.This paper provides an additional research perspective of online word-of-mouth,shows the mechanism and different impact of different dimensions of online word-of-mouth on purchase intention under different product types,and provides theoretical basis and practical implications for enterprises to improve word-of-mouth management.
作者 梁剑平 武亮 容家希 LIANG Jianping;WU Liang;RONG Jiaxi(School of Business,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;School of Management,Xinhua College of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510520,China;Bank of China Macau Branch,Macau 999078,China)
出处 《商业经济与管理》 北大核心 2021年第2期56-67,共12页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“探索鼓舞在市场营销领域的产生、构成及效应机制”(71672201) 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目“经济转型与国际化背景下品牌建设的理论创新研究”(71832015) 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师重点培育项目“鼓舞(inspiration)在创新扩散理论中的产生及其作用机制”(20wkzd18) 2019-2020年度广东省青少年研究共建课题“中国青年创业选择的影响因素、机制与发展对策——计划行为理论的视角”(2019GJ043) 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划青年项目“基于深度神经网络的共享经济动态价值共创机制研究”(D17YGL03)。
关键词 网络口碑 消费者鼓舞 购买意愿 产品类型 信任 online word-of-mouth consumer inspiration purchase intention product types trust