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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:147

摘要 近10年来无锡市保险市场在全省地位持续领先,业务增长较为迅速,险种的市场份额保持稳定,保险赔付金额稳中有升。该市保险市场目前存在的问题包括保险公司人才管理不够精细化,内部控制不够严格,接受监管不够充分,业务违法违规,甚至欺骗投保人销售保单等。为促进该市保险市场健康、持续发展,保险公司需要加强人才的精细化管理、内部控制与法制教育,自觉、充分地接受保险监管机构、客户与群众的监督。 In the past 10 years,Wuxi's insurance market has continued to lead the province.Its business has grown rapidly,the market share of insurance types has remained stable,and the amount of insurance claims has increased steadily.The current problems in the city’s insurance market include insufficient talent management of insurance companies,insufficient internal control,insufficient supervision,business violations of laws and regulations,and even cheating policyholders to sell insurance policies.In order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the city’s insurance market,insurance companies need to strengthen the fine management of talents,internal control and legal education,and consciously and fully accept the supervision of insurance regulatory agencies,customers and the masses.
作者 童元松 TONG Yuansong(Changzhou Vocational College of Information Technology,School of Digital Economics,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213164)
出处 《江苏商论》 2021年第5期60-63,共4页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
基金 农业农村部软科学研究项目“农村金融服务需求与服务创新研究”(项目编号:RKX2019057C)。
关键词 保险市场 内部控制 保险监管 保险费 insurance market internal control insurance supervision insurance premium