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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:166

摘要 实现原深度贫困地区脱贫成果巩固与乡村振兴的耦合,是今后一段时期原深度贫困地区农村工作“难点中的难点”。经过八年多的艰苦奋斗,全国832个贫困县全部摘帽,消除了绝对贫困和区域性整体贫困,一部分家庭在政府的帮扶下实现了几代人的梦想。但在对30多个县进行深入调研的过程中发现,在一些地理自然条件恶劣、生态脆弱、产业基础薄弱的原深度贫困地区,在贫困识别标准不断提高的背景下,受制于较低的受教育程度和培训效果,部分群众缺乏持续发展的能力和素质;因观念陈旧,部分已脱贫群众的内生动力激发不足,脱贫户持续增收仍面临较大困难,可能再次陷入相对贫困。在此基础上提出加大基础设施建设和产业配套投入、下派特派员突破乡村振兴人才瓶颈、转移劳动力、吸引人才回乡、构建分层分类培训体系打造人才高地、完善投入帮扶机制、建立健全贫情监测预警体系等巩固和拓展脱贫成果的具体措施。 Coupling the consolidation of the achievements of poverty alleviation in severely impoverished areas and the revitalization of the countryside has become a top priority of rural work in severely impoverished areas for a period to come.Since the proposal of targeted poverty alleviation,tremendous changes have taken place in the vast rural areas,and some families have realized the dream of several generations with the help of the government.However,the survey on the basis of in-depth investigations in more than 30 counties,found that in some deeply impoverished areas with poor geographic and natural conditions,lagging development,fragile ecology,and weak industrial foundation,the continuous improvement of poverty identification standards,the lower education levels and training effects caused by some people lack the ability and quality for sustainable development,the outdated concepts,some people who have been out of poverty have insufficient endogenous motivation,which will caused the poverty-stricken households are facing great difficulties in continuously increasing their income.The authors put forward specific measures to consolidate and expand poverty alleviation achievements like increasing investment in infrastructure construction and industrial support in severely impoverished areas,dispatching special agents to break the talents gap of rural revitalization,transferring labor and attracting talents back to the hometown,building a hierarchical and classified training system to create talent clusters,adjusting the assisting mechanisms,and establishing and improving the poverty monitoring and early warning system.
作者 王俊程 武友德 钟群英 WANG Jun-cheng;WU You-de;ZHONG Qun-ying(Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China;Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences,Nanchang 330077,China)
出处 《西安财经大学学报》 2021年第2期64-72,共9页 Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“基于农民获得感的连片特困区精准扶贫绩效评价及脱贫巩固路径研究”(19BJL038) 云南省“十四五”规划前期重大研究项目“云南省‘十四五’巩固拓展脱贫成果研究” 云南省社会科学规划社会智库重大基金项目“突破云南深度贫困地区乡村振兴人才瓶颈的方略研究”(SHZK2020105)。
关键词 原深度贫困地区 精准扶贫 乡村振兴 返贫风险 severely impoverished areas targeted poverty alleviation rural revitalization risks of returning poverty