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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:148

摘要 很长一段时间内,宅基地承担着保障农民居住权的历史重任。随着我国农村地区社会保障制度的不断完善,隐匿于社会保障使命之下的财产权概念被重提,国家政策有意引导宅基地逐渐进入社会主义市场经济。宅基地制度改革动力,源于对宅基地被错放于农村社会保障功能的归正,宅基地无法匹配社会保障对弱者关照的精准需求,屡禁不止的非法交易催生宅基地不可流转权利与可流转权利的分离。宅基地“三权分置”的政策语言应当被重整为“宅基地所有权—宅基地使用权—地上权”的法律表达。宅基地所有权和宅基地使用权分别通过宅基地有偿使用制度、“一户一宅”制度予以落实和保障,并将地上权这一可流转权利塑造为用益物权,保证债权性租赁权和物权性地上权并存,以供当事人进行意思自治。 In a long period of time,the homestead undertakes the important task of guaranteeing the farmers’right of residence.With the continuous improvement of the social security system in rural areas of China,the concept of property rights hidden in the mission of social security has been reintroduced,and the national policy intentionally leads the homestead to gradually enter the socialist market economy.The impetus for the reform of the homestead system stems from the misplaced social security function that homestead has been bearing,the homestead cannot match the precise demand of social security for the care of the weak,and the illegal transaction of homestead often leads to the separation of the transferrable rights of homestead.The policy language of“the separation of three rights”of homestead should be reorganized into the legal expression of“the ownership of homestead—the right to use homestead—the right to the top of the land”.The homestead ownership and the homestead use right are respectively implemented and guaranteed through the system of paid use of homestead and the system of“one family,one house”,and the transferable right of land right is shaped into usufructuary right to ensure that the creditor’s right of lease and the land right of real right coexist for the parties to govern themselves.
作者 李谦 LI Qian(School of Law,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《西安财经大学学报》 2021年第2期111-119,共9页 Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“公共租赁住房法律制度研究”(16BFX102) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划“宅基地使用权入市困境及破解”(KCX20_0005)。
关键词 宅基地“三权分置” 社会保障 宅基地所有权 宅基地使用权 地上权 “three rights”of house site social security homestead ownership the right to use house sites superficies