更新日期:2021-06-01     浏览次数:234

摘要 为了探求沙质推移质在监利水文站断面输沙量占比变化与运动规律,对2009~2019年监利水文站的沙质推移质与悬移质输沙量进行分析,并给出了监利水文站沙质推移质的计算公式。结果表明:(1)监利水文站所在河段目前处于冲刷初期,沙质推移质输沙量与悬移质输沙量同频变化。(2)用沙质推移质与流量建立指数公式是目前计算推移质输沙量最简便合理的方法。(3)长江中游冲积河段监利水文站沙质推移质输沙量占悬移质输沙量的比例为4.0%~8.5%,均值为5.8%,这与上游160 km的沙市水文站(3.1%~12.4%,均值为6.2%)相似。 In order to explore proportion variation and transport laws of sandy bed load at Jianli hydrological station,we analyzed sediment runoff of sandy bed load and suspended load at the Jianli hydrological cross-section from2009 to 2019 and proposed a calculation formula of sandy bed load.The results suggested that:(1)At present,river bed at Jianli hydrological station was in the early stage of scouring,and transport runoff of sandy bed load synchronized with suspended load.(2)The exponential formula that displayed relationship between bed load transport rate and flow could be used to estimate sandy bed load reasonably and easily.(3)Sediment runoff of sandy bed load accounted for 4.0%~8.5%(an average of 5.8%)of suspended load at Jianli station,which was similarly to Shashi station(3.1%~12.4%and an average of 6.2%)that was about 160 km upstream.
作者 唐剑 谢静红 单文辉 刘天勇 TANG Jian;XIE Jinghong;Shan Wenhui;Liu Tianyong(Jingjiang Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Survey,Bureau of Hydrology,Changjiang Water Resources Commission,Jingzhou 433400,China)
出处 《水利水电快报》 2021年第4期25-28,共4页 Express Water Resources & Hydropower Information
关键词 沙质推移质 悬移质 输沙量 监利水文站 sandy bed load suspended load sediment discharge Jianli hydrological station