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更新日期:2021-06-01     浏览次数:144

摘要 通过将中国经济全要素生产率的增长率分解为主要考虑产业技术进步的内部增长效应和资本、劳动、能源要素在部门间流动形成的要素再配置效应,文章以23个细分产业为研究对象,采用多部门增长核算法验证了2005—2017年间资本、劳动、能源要素的“结构红利假说”,得出以下结论:①以各行业技术进步为代表的内部增长效应仍为整体经济全要素生产率增长的主要贡献因素;②资本要素的再配置效应由“结构负利”向“结构红利”转变;③劳动要素的再配置效应呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,表现出从“结构红利”转变为“结构负利”的趋势;④能源要素的再配置效应逐渐显现,由“结构负利”向“结构红利”转变。基于研究结果,认为除了重视全社会各行业的技术进步,更要重视要素流动的效率;由于市场不完善和信息不对称造成的要素配置扭曲会部分抵消技术进步的作用,阻碍经济高质量发展。针对资本、劳动和能源的要素再配置,提出以下建议:①资本要素的再配置应综合考虑宏观调控和市场机制,按照利润最大化原则进行资本配置,在提高资本产出弹性的同时增加资本的配置效率;②劳动力的配置不能仅局限于三次产业层面,还应重视产业内部的边际产出差异;③能源要素的再配置要重视工业内部各行业间的能源产出弹性,避免能源的低效配置;加速淘汰高耗能重污染行业,推动低能耗产业的发展,以提高能源配置效应的方式助力节能减排和绿色发展。 Decomposing total factor productivity growth rate into internal growth effect that mainly considers industry internal technical advancement and the effect of factor reallocation formed by the flow of capital,labor and energy between sectors,this study took 23 subsectors as the research object and adopted the multi-sector growth accounting method to verify the‘structural dividend hypothesis’of capital,labor and energy from 2005 to 2017.The study drew the following conclusions:①Internal growth effect represented by sectoral technical advancement was still the main contributor to total factor productivity growth of the overall economy,but the contribution rate had decreased.②The reallocation effect of capital changed from‘structural negative benefit’to‘structural dividend’.③The reallocation effect of labor showed a trend of first rising and then falling,changing from‘structural dividend’to‘structural negative benefit’.④The effect of energy reallocation was gradually emerging,with a shift from‘negative structural benefit’to‘structural dividend’.based on these research results,this paper argues that more attention should be paid to the efficiency of factor reallocation in addition to the technical advancement of all sectors.The inefficiency of factor reallocation caused by imperfect market and asymmetric information would partially offset the effect of technical advancement and hinder the high-quality economic development.In view of the reallocation of capital,labor and energy factors,this paper proposes the following suggestions:①In the reallocation of capital,consideration should be given to both the macroeconomic regulation and the role of market mechanism,and capital allocation should be carried out in accordance with the principle of profit maximization,so as to improve the elasticity of capital output and increase the allocation efficiency of capital.②The reallocation of labor force should not only be limited to the level of three industries;attention should also be paid t
作者 许光清 陈晓玉 XU Guangqing;CHEN Xiaoyu(School of Environment and Natural Resources,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期128-137,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 中国人民大学2020年度“中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”。
关键词 结构红利 要素再配置 全要素生产率 能源 structural dividend factor reallocation total factor productivity energy