更新日期:2021-06-04     浏览次数:235

摘要 以实验室从腐败啤酒中分离得到的酒花抗性菌株短乳杆菌49为出发菌株,考察酒花胁迫对其生理应激反应的影响,探究相关酒花胁迫机制。研究结果表明:酒花对短乳杆菌49有显著的抑制作用,60 mg/L为短乳杆菌49最高耐受酒花异α酸浓度;酒花会使短乳杆菌49胞外pH值呈下降趋势,且高浓度的酒花导致胞外pH值升高;酒花胁迫下的短乳杆菌49比无酒花胁迫胞内ATP低1个数量级。随着酒花质量浓度的升高,短乳杆菌49细胞膜脂肪酸碳链长度增加,尤其是C20增长较为明显,平均链长也随酒花质量浓度的提高而提高;环状脂肪酸C19相较于对照组显著增加;在高酒花质量浓度下细胞膜脂肪酸不饱和脂肪酸以及支链脂肪酸所占比例随之增加,饱和直链脂肪酸减少;同时细胞膜脂肪酸流动指数(U/S)值也随酒花质量浓度的升高而升高。本文为啤酒污染菌的抗酒花胁迫机制以及对啤酒腐败菌的控制提供理论依据。 In this work,the hop-resistant strain Lactobacillus brevis 49 isolated from the spoiled beer was used as the starting strain to study the extracellular pH,intracellular ATP and chain length,saturation,chain branching,and U/S changes of fatty acids of cell membrane.The results showed that hops had a significant inhibitory effect on Lactobacillus brevis 49,and 60 mg/L was the highest tolerance to hops concentration of Lactobacillus brevis 49.Hops will decrease the extracellular pH of Lactobacillus brevis 49,and high concentration of hops will lead to higher extracellular pH.The amount of intracellular ATP of Lactobacillus brevis 49 under hop stress was an order of magnitude lower than that without hops stress.As the concentration of hops increases,the increase in fatty acid carbon chain length of Lactobacillus brevis 49 cell membrane,especially C20,was much obvious.The average chain length also increases along with the increase of hop concentration;The cyclic fatty acid C19 had a significant increase compared to the control group.When adding the high concentration of hops,the proportion of fatty acid unsaturated fatty acids and branched fatty acids in the cell membrane increases,and the saturated linear fatty acids decreases.Meanwhile,the U/S value also increases together with increase of hop concentration.
作者 刘储睿 任文静 孙珍 Liu Churui;Ren Wenjing;Sun Zhen(School of Biological Engineering,Dalian Polytechnic University,Dalian 116034,Liaoning)
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期99-105,共7页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31601458) 大连市青年科技之星资助项目(2017RQ054)。
关键词 酒花 短乳杆菌 细胞膜 脂肪酸 ATP hops Lactobacillus brevis cell membrane fatty acids ATP