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摘要 通过测定池塘养殖模式(pond)、稻田养殖模式(paddy)养殖的克氏原螯虾和野生(wild)克氏原螯虾肌肉营养成分的组成和含量,对其营养价值进行综合评价。结果表明:虾肉粗蛋白质含量表现为稻田组(84.42%)>池塘组(83.59%)>野生组(82.81%)(p>0.05);粗脂肪含量表现为稻田组(2.96%)>池塘组(2.22%)>野生组(1.48%)(p<0.05)。池塘组、稻田组和野生组虾肉中∑TAA、∑EAA、∑EAA/∑TAA、∑EAA/∑NEAA、∑DAA/∑TAA表现为,池塘组>稻田组>野生组(p>0.05)。根据AAS,池塘组、稻田组和野生组虾肉的第一限制性氨基酸分别为Thr、Val、Val,第二限制性氨基酸均为Met+Cys;根据CS,其第一限制性氨基酸均为Met+Cys,第二限制性氨基酸分别为Val、Thr、Val。池塘组、稻田组和野生组虾肉中分别检测出13种、14种和15种脂肪酸,其中∑SFA分为48.06%、44.03%、39.95%(p<0.05);∑MUFA分别为35.48%、31.03%、25.76%(p<0.05);∑PUFA分别为16.46%、24.93%、32.30%(p<0.05);n-3/n-6则表现为野生组(0.18)<稻田组(0.24)<池塘组(0.35)(p<0.05)。综上,养殖组(稻田组和池塘组)克氏原螯虾肌肉的综合营养价值比野生组更高。 To evaluate comprehensively the nutritional value of the muscle from pond-reared Procambarus clarkia,Procambarus clarkia reared in paddy field,and wild Procambarus clarkia,the compositions and contents of their muscles were determined.The results showed that the crude protein content of muscle decreased in this order:paddy field group(84.42%)>pond group(83.59%)>wild group(82.81%)(p>0.05).The crude fat content of the muscle was in this order:paddy field group(2.96%)>pond group(2.22%)>wild group(1.48%)(p<0.05).The values of TAA,∑EAA,∑EAA/∑TAA,∑EAA/∑NEAA and∑DAA/∑TAA groups followed this order:pond group>rice field group>wild group(p>0.05).According to AAS,the first limiting amino acids of the pond-reared,paddy field-rear and wild Procambarus clarkii were Thr,Val and Val,respectively.The second limiting amino acids were all Met+Cys.According to CS,the first limiting amino acids were all Met+Cys,and the second limiting amino acids were Val,Thr and Val,respectively.There were 13,14 and 15 kinds of fatty acids detected in the muscle of the pond-reared,paddy field-rear and wild Procambarus clarkii,of which∑SFA was 48.06%,44.03%and 39.95%,respectively(p<0.05);∑MUFA was 35.48%,31.03%and25.76%,respectively(p<0.05);∑PUFA was 16.46%,24.93%and32.30%,respectively(p<0.05).The n-3/n-6 ratios were in this descending order:wild group(0.18) nal value of the Procambarus clarkia muscle from either farming group(the paddy field group or pond group)was higher than that of the wild group.
作者 程小飞 宋锐 向劲 刘丽 田兴 王冬武 刘明求 谢仲桂 王金龙 CHENG Xiao-fei;SONG Rui;XIANG Jin;LIU Li;TIAN Xing;WANG Dong-wu;LIU Ming-qiu;XIE Zhong-gui;WANG Jin-long(Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Nutrition and Quality Control of Aquatic Animals,Hunan Fisheries Science Institute,Changsha 410153,China;College of Life and Environment Science Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde 415000,China)
出处 《现代食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期87-95,共9页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 国家特色淡水鱼产业技术体系(CARS-46) 湖南省科技重大专项(2017NK1030)。
关键词 克氏原螯虾 池塘养殖 稻田养殖 野生 氨基酸 脂肪酸 Procambarus clarkii pond farming mode paddyfield farming mode wild amino acids fatty acids