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助力教师专业成长 提升边疆基础教育质量——基于2019年兵团“国培计划”项目的思考
更新日期:2021-06-07     浏览次数:155

摘要 “国培计划”的实施极大地助推了兵团教师队伍建设,为边疆基础教育质量提升做出了巨大贡献。2019年,兵团“国培计划”项目在实施过程中遵循教师成长规律,重视分层分类设计,严格遴选高水准承训机构,严格过程管理;加大对南疆团场教师的培训力度,助力国家脱贫攻坚及兵团向南发展战略,培训取得良好成效。今后应加快探索“互联网+”背景下的兵团教师培训模式,进一步发挥教育科学研究在兵团“国培”中的基础性作用、智囊团角色,以推动“国培”更好地与边疆社会发展要求及教师专业发展需求相契合,助力教师专业成长,提升边疆基础教育质量。 "National training plan"has greatly promoted the construction of XPCC teachers and made great contributions to the improvement of the quality of basic education in the border areas.In 2019,XPCC's"national training plan"project in the implementation process follows the rules of teachers'growth,attaches importance to hierarchical and classified design,strictly selects high-level training institutions,and strictly manages the process;it strengthens the training of teachers in the southern XPCCarea,and helps the national poverty alleviation and the southern XPCC development strategy,and the training has achieved good results.In the future,we should speed up the exploration of the training mode of teachers in the context of"Internet plus",and give full play to the basic role of the scientific research in the"national training"of XPCC and attachimportance tothe role of the think tank,so as to promote"national training"to better integrate with the requirements of the social development of the frontier areas and the needs of teachers'professional development,to help teachers grow professionally and to improve the quality of basic education in the border areas.
作者 董江华 胡月蓉 DONG Jiang-hua;HU Yue-rong(Teachers College,Shihezi University/Bingtuan Education Institute,Shihezi 832003,Xinjiang,China;XPCC Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Center,Urumqi 830002,Xinjiang,China)
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2021年第1期5-8,共4页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
基金 石河子大学高层次人才启动项目“基于工作现场的喀什双语教师实践性知识研究”(RCSX201739)。
关键词 兵团 国培计划 教师专业成长 基础教育 XPCC "national training plan" teachers'professional development basic education