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更新日期:2021-06-07     浏览次数:159

摘要 目的:探讨不同游戏方式下的暴力网络游戏对不同攻击性特质大学生攻击性的影响。方法:采用攻击性特质问卷、词汇决策任务和竞争反应时任务对60名大学生进行问卷和实验研究。结果:在不同游戏方式下,被试表现出的攻击性认知和行为存在显著差异(F(2,52)=4.41,P<0.05;F(1,52)=50.06,P<0.001)。高、低攻击性特质者在游戏后的攻击性认知和行为上存在显著差异(F(1,52)=15.25,P<0.001;F(1,52)=82.35,P<0.001)。结论:不同游戏方式下的暴力网络游戏对大学生的攻击性存在不同的影响,相比竞争游戏和单人游戏,合作游戏是一种较好的游戏方式,可以在一定程度减少大学生,特别是高攻击性特质大学生的攻击性认知和行为。此外,暴力网络游戏对大学生攻击性认知和攻击性行为的影响存在一致性。 Objective:To explore the impact of violent video games with different game modes on the aggressiveness of college students with different aggressive traits.Methods:Questionnaires and experimental studies were conducted on 60 college students by using aggressive trait questionnaires,vocabulary decision tasks and competitive response time tasks.Results:The results showed that there were significant differences in aggressive cognition and behavior among the participants with different game modes(F(2,52)=4.41,P<0.05;F(1,52)=50.059,P<0.001);There were significant differences in aggressive cognition and behavior between the high andthe low aggressive characters(F(1,52)=15.25,P<0.001,;F(1,52)=82.35,P<0.001).Conclusion:The violent video games with different game modes have different effects on the aggressiveness of game players.Compared with competitive games and single-player games,cooperative games are a better way to reduce the number of highly aggressive players'aggressive cognition and behavior.In addition,there do exist consistency in the impact of violent video games on the player's aggressive cognition and behavior.
作者 杨飞龙 张伟 丁成 朱海东 YANG Fei-long;ZHANG Wei;DING Cheng;ZHU Hai-dong(Student Affairs Department,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,Xinjiang,China;Teachers College,Shihezi University/Bingtuan Education Institute,Shihezi 832003,Xinjiang,China)
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2021年第1期25-30,共6页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
基金 2018年教育部高校思想政治工作精品项目第二批第100项《新疆高校“去极端化”综合教育体系建设》(编号:KZ0007) 兵团社会科学基金项目“兵团高校抵御宗教极端思想渗透研究”(18YB22)。
关键词 暴力网络游戏 攻击性特质 游戏方式 攻击性认知与行为 violent video games aggressive traits game modes aggressive cognition and behavior