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更新日期:2021-06-07     浏览次数:154

摘要 同志们:今天,我们怀着崇敬的心情,举行马克思书信手稿入藏仪式,隆重迎接六份马克思致《资本论》法文版出版人的书信手稿入藏我院。这是我院承担的、由中宣部支持的马克思主义文献典藏工程所取得的最新成果,更是我们党史和文献工作者在党的百年华诞即将来临之际,向党献上的一份弥足珍贵的礼物!马克思主义文献典藏工作自2010年启动以来,始终得到中央领导同志的关心和支持。 On February 5,2021,the CPC Central Committee Institute of Party History and Literature held a ceremony in Beijing for collecting the manuscripts of six letters of Karl Marx.Written by Marx to Maurice Lachatre and Henri Oriol,publishers of the French edition of Capital,the letters have never been published before and are of high documentary and academic value.In the letters,Marx discussed with Lachatre and Oriol about the French translation of Capital and its publication and dissemination.Published here are the manuscripts and translations of the six letters for study and research reference.
作者 曲青山 Qu Qinshan
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 北大核心 2021年第2期10-13,203,共5页 Marxism & Reality