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更新日期:2021-06-07     浏览次数:254

摘要 习近平法治思想是中国共产党接力探索、持续推进法治建设的理论结晶,是建立在生动法治实践基础之上的思想精华,与毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛关于法治建设的战略思想既一脉相承又与时俱进。习近平法治思想深刻阐述了新时代我国法治建设的一系列根本性方向性全局性战略性问题,以崭新的思想内容开辟了中国特色社会主义法治理论的新境界。"十一个坚持"是习近平法治思想的"四梁八柱",每一个坚持都包含着一系列紧密联系、相互贯通的思想观点。它们共同作用、相互影响,构成了视野宏阔、逻辑严密、系统科学的理论体系。习近平法治思想蕴含着丰富的辩证思维,彰显了马克思主义强大的真理力量、独特的思想魅力和鲜明的辩证品格,为新时代推进全面依法治国提供了科学的思想方法和工作方法。 Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law is the theoretical crystallization of the Communist Party of China’s continuous exploration and promotion of the rule of law,and is the essence of thought based on vivid praxis of the rule of law.It is in line with the strategies of Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,and Hu Jintao on the development of the rule of law and keeps up with the times.Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law has profoundly expounded a series of fundamental directional and overall strategic issues of China^rule of law development,and opened up a new realm of the socialist theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics with brand-new theoretical content.The“eleven upholds”are the pillars of Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law,each of which contains a series of closely related and interconnected ideas.They work together and influence each other,forming a systematic and scientific theoretical system with a broad vision and rigorous logic.Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law is rich in dialectical thinking,which demonstrates the great power as a truth,unique theoretical charisma,and distinctive dialectical character of Marxism,and provides a scientific way of thinking and working method for promoting the rule of law in all respects in the new era.
作者 许先春 Xu Xianchun
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 北大核心 2021年第2期51-58,203,共9页 Marxism & Reality