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更新日期:2021-06-07     浏览次数:156

摘要 马克思基于生产、分配、交换、消费四环节的内在联系和外在表现考察一国社会再生产过程。习近平运用马克思的四环节分析方法考察国内大循环,提出构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局理论,在理论上传承了马克思的政治经济学,在新时代中国特色社会主义实践中推进了中国化马克思主义政治经济学的新发展。二战以来,国际大循环深受美国霸权盛衰周期和国际分工"内外化"两大因素的制约。近几年来,处于霸权衰落期的美国力图通过遏制中国的发展,主导第四次工业革命,以维持其"单极霸权",从而严重弱化了国际大循环。为此,我国构建新发展格局,就是要从供给侧结构性改革这个战略方向,打造自主可控、安全可靠的产业链和供应链;从扩大内需这一战略基点,使生产、分配、交换、消费各环节更多依托国内市场实现良性循环。国内循环越顺畅,越有利于我国在参与国际大循环中形成合作和竞争的新优势。 Marx investigated the process of social reproduction in a country based on the internal relations and external appearances of the four links of production,distribution,exchange,and consumption.Xi Jinping used Marx's four-link analytical method to examine China's domestic circulation,and put forward the new development pattern theory that focuses on domestic circulation and features positive inteqilay between domestic and international circulations.Theoretically,this theory has carried forward Marxist political economy,and promoted the new development of the Marxist political economy adapted to the Chinese context in the praxis of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Since World War II,the international circulation has been restricted by the rise and fall of American hegemony and the international internal and external division of labor.In recent years,the United States,in the period of declining hegemony,ha^tried to maintain its “unipolar hegemony”by curbing China's development and leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution,thus seriously weakening the international circulation.Therefore,the new development pattern in China is about building an independent,controllable,safe,and reliable industrial chain and supply chain from the strategic direction of the supply-side structural reform.It is designed,from the strategic point of expanding domestic demand,to make production,distribution,exchange,and consumption rely more on the domestic market to achieve a virtuous circulation.The smoother the domestic circulation is,the more favorable it is for China to form new advantages of cooperation and competition in participating in the international circulation.
作者 方兴起 Fang Xingqi
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 北大核心 2021年第2期68-74,204,共8页 Marxism & Reality