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更新日期:2021-06-08     浏览次数:171

摘要 研究一个生鲜产品的订购、定价与保鲜技术投资联合决策问题。产品实时质量随时间不断下降且服从两参数Weibull分布,零售商可通过投资保鲜技术减缓产品质量的下降速率。需求同时依赖于产品的实时质量、销售价格和最低质量限制。研究决策最优的订购、定价和保鲜技术投资策略以最大化零售商的平均利润。首先证明了最优订购、定价和保鲜技术投资策略各自的唯一存在性;接着,给出一个迭代算法用以搜索问题的最优解;最后,采用数值方法对主要参数的灵敏度进行了分析,并比较了在投资与不投资保鲜技术两种情况下零售商的最优策略和平均利润。结果显示:零售商是否投资保鲜技术对其订购策略(补货周期和订购量)有较大的影响,而对定价策略的影响较小;投资保鲜技术有利于提高零售商的利润。 A joint ordering pricing and preservation technology investment decision problem for fresh products was studied.The demand of the product was dependent on the real-time quality selling price and quality limitation simultaneously. The quality of the product was decreasing in time and followed the two-parameter Weibull distribution.The retailer could reduce the quality decline rate of the product by investing in preservation technology.The objective was to decide the optimal ordering pricing and preservation technology investment policy to maximize the retailer′s average profit.First the model was formulated and the existence and uniqueness of optimal ordering policy pricing policy and preservation technology investment policy was proved respectively.Second an iterative algorithm was proposed to search for the optimal solutions. Finally sensitivity analysis was conducted for the major parameters and the retailer′s optimal policies and average profits between with and without preservation technology investment are compared.The result indicates that whether the retailer invests in preservation technology or not has a great impact on the ordering policy(the replenishment cycle and order quantity)but a small impact on the pricing policy;investing in preservation technology is helpful to increase the retailer′s profit.
作者 李贵萍 张柯檬 杜碧升 LI Guiping;ZHANG Kemeng;DU Bisheng(Business School,Ningbo University,Zhejiang,Ningbo 315211,China)
机构地区 宁波大学商学院
出处 《工业工程与管理》 北大核心 2021年第1期130-138,共9页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(71502088,71402075,71771128)。
关键词 生鲜产品 保鲜技术投资 订购 定价 fresh products preservation technology investment ordering pricing