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更新日期:2021-06-09     浏览次数:170

摘要 "全球维度"是21世纪以来英国推行全球素养教育的一大特色理念"。自我—他者"关系,是"全球维度"本身蕴含的一个重要议题。英国全球素养教育在政策、课程、教学层面分别体现出三组"自我—他者"关系:在宏观政策层面,体现为作为民族、国家的"自我"与作为区域、世界的"他者"之间的关系;在中观课程层面,体现为学科内"自我"与学科外"他者"之间的关系;在微观教学层面,体现为学习者"自我"与教育者"他者"之间的关系。这三组"自我—他者"关系虽表征各异,但均呈现出从对立到融合、再到共生的发展趋向,也凸显了全球素养教育从互识到共识、从同化到共生、从解读到解放的价值转向。 Since the 21 st century,the United Kingdom has regarded "global dimension" as one of the characteristic concepts of global literacy education. The "self and the other" relationship is a core issue running through the "global dimension". Three kinds of "self and the other" relationship can be respectively reflected in the policy,curriculum and teaching of UK global literacy education:At the level of policy,the UK has grasped the relationship between the "self" as a nation or a country and the "other" as a region or the world;at the level of curriculum,it has approached the relationship between the "self"(disciplinary attribute)within the discipline and the "other"( "global dimension")outside the discipline;at the level of teaching,it has held the relationship between the "self" as a learner and the "other" as an educator. These three kinds of "self and the other" relationship have different representations,but they all show a trend of development from opposition to integration and then to symbiosis. The value shift of global literacy education which is highlighted is from mutual understanding to consensus,from assimilation to symbiosis,and from interpretation to liberation.
作者 赵婷 刘宝存 ZHAO Ting;LIU Baocun(Institute of International and Comparative Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《外国教育研究》 北大核心 2021年第3期3-20,共18页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“‘一带一路’国家与区域教育体系研究”(项目编号:19JZD052)。
关键词 英国 全球素养教育 全球维度 自我—他者 UK global competence/literacy education global dimension self and the other