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更新日期:2021-06-09     浏览次数:171

摘要 语文教育的历史与现实决定了语文教学应坚持"读书"为要。要落实"立德树人"的根本任务,引导青少年增强民族文化自信和价值观自信,也需要加强学生对我国传统文化经典的阅读。抓住了"读书",才能真正落实语文课程的"育人"功能。课外阅读是语文课程的题中之义。"多读书、读好书"是课程标准的要求,温儒敏先生的诸多观点和建议都是针对现实问题,围绕如何将课标要求落地展开的。语文课程的基础性和工具性决定了它是一门话题课程,学术研究需要不同的声音,但这种声音应当是严谨、求实的。学科教学有其专业性,应尊重学科教育教学的基本规律、基本常识。 The history and reality of Chinese education determine that the Chinese education should regard "reading" as its crucial element. To implement the fundamental task of "li de shu ren", and to lead youth to enhance the confidence of national culture and values, the reading of Chinese traditional classics should be emphasized. only if focus on "reading" can we implement the "education" function of Chinese curriculum for real. Outside-class reading is one indispensable part of Chinese curriculum, therefore, we should build the confidence of Chinese education in "reading". As "read more, read good books" is the demand of curriculum standard, many perspectives and suggestions of Wen Rumin are raised to solve the current problems, and to meet the demand of curriculum standard. The fundamental and instrumental nature of Chinese curriculum make it controversial, and academic research needs different perspectives. However, those perspectives should be precise and actual, and academic argument should follow the basic academic rules. As curriculum and instruction have their expertise, related research should respect the basic rules and common laws of education and instruction of disciplines.
作者 靳彤 JIN Tong(School of Teacher Education,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu,610066,China)
出处 《全球教育展望》 北大核心 2021年第2期116-128,共13页 Global Education
关键词 读书 课外阅读 1+X 学术态度 reading outside-class reading 1+X academic attitude