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更新日期:2021-06-09     浏览次数:182

摘要 课堂教学评估是教学质量的重要保证.以精准教学框架对10节教学视频进行评估发现:小学数学图形教学在认知目标水平方面是比较成功的.课堂教学中教师与学生之间的互动良好,在分析、理解的基础上,实现了学科内知识的习得与同化.但从知识应用类型、认知水平和知识应用类型融合以及学科核心素养培育的角度来看,课堂教学在跨学科应用、情境创设、迁移应用等方面还存在不足.为了提升素养导向课堂教学的质量,数学教学应建立知识之间的意义联系,课堂中应凸显思维深度和知识应用广度,促进学生核心素养的形成. The evaluation of classroom teaching is an essential component for instructional improvement and quality.This article used the Rigor/Relevance framework to analyze ten video-taped lessons involving figures and shapes.It was found to be relatively successful for teaching the topics related to figures and shapes based on these lessons from the perspective of the cognitive level.Positive interactions between the teachers and students as well as analysis and understanding suggest the successful acquisition and assimilation of subject matter knowledge.However,there are still some shortcomings in these lessons with respect to knowledge application,integration of cognitive development and knowledge application type,and cultivation of key competencies,interdisciplinary applications,situation creation,and transfer applications.In order to enhance the depth of thinking and the breadth of knowledge application in classroom teaching,it is necessary to build meaningful associations among different areas of knowledge,promote the formation of students’core competencies,and classroom instruction shall focus on the depth of students’thinking depth and broad application mathematical knowledge.
作者 范会敏 陈旭远 张娟娟 FAN Hui-min;CHEN Xu-yuan;ZHANG Juan-juan(College of Education Science,Heihe University,Heilongjiang Heihe 164300,China;Faculty of Education,Northeast Normal University,Jilin Changchun 130024,China)
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2021年第2期20-25,共6页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 全国教育科学规划国家一般课题——中小学课堂教学实践样态40年变迁的教育族志学研究(1977—2017)(BHA160082)。
关键词 精准教学框架 素养导向 课堂教学评估 rigor/relevance framework competency oriented evaluation of classroom teaching