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更新日期:2021-06-09     浏览次数:264

摘要 小微企业天生的风险承受能力弱与商业银行信贷风险转移化解机制刚性需求相矛盾,小微金融的担保构成是影响信贷交易成功率高低的最重要因素之一,外源性担保不仅增加小微企业融资成本与难度,在一定程度上也加大了商业银行的金融风险,曾经一度盛行的担保公司(典型的是钢贸市场担保)担保风险造成了金融机构巨额资金损失。基于小微企业的本身所属价值,运用数字技术将小微企业的所有资产进行评估折现,通过技术手段进行全覆盖性的管理与控制,从而为商业银行提供相匹配的信贷资源提供基础,既实现了商业银行信贷风险可控可化解,也有利于小微企业低成本、高效率地融通资金,将小微企业的流动性、无形等所有资产转化为信贷资源,为小微企业高质量的发展夯实可靠的金融基础。 There is a contradiction between the inherent weak risk tolerance of small micro enterprise and the rigid demand for the credit risk transfer and resolution mechanism of commercial banks.The guarantee of small and micro finance constitutes one of the most important factors affecting the success rate of credit transactions.Exogenous guarantee not only increases the cost and the difficulty of small and micro enterprise financing,but also increases the financial risks of commercial banks.once popular guarantee companies