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摘要 《丹溪心法·水肿》篇详细阐述水肿性质、部位、表现等,对水肿病因、病机、治疗用药,均有独到的见解,在治疗上提出以“大补中宫”为主,根据具体情况,见有血瘀者活血化瘀,血寒者温通经脉,气血虚者补血助气,兼热者清热,后世医家深受其影响。根据朱丹溪论述,并结合多年临床,得出水肿发病关键为脾肾亏虚为本,三焦气机阻滞为标;治疗时重在调中州,恢复中焦脾胃的气机升降,中焦气机升降通畅则三焦气机阻滞得以缓解,同时完善了以阴阳为纲,证见表热实证按阳水处理,证见里虚寒证按阴水论治的方法,同时提出了治疗水肿时用药及饮食禁忌,为后世医家逐渐完善水肿补虚泻实治疗,提供了治疗思路。 The Danxi cardiac edema elaborates on the nature,location,and manifestations of edema,and has unique insights into the etiology,pathogenesis,and treatment of edema.It proposes to focus on"Dabuzhonggong"in the treatment.According to the specific conditions,those with blood stasis can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis,those with cold blood can warm the meridians,those with deficiency of qi and blood can nourish blood and help qi,and those with heat can clear away heat.According to Zhu Danxi′s discussion and combined with many years of clinical experience,it is concluded that the key to the onset of edema is the deficiency of the spleen and kidney,and the Sanjiao qi block is the target.If the qi machine rises and falls smoothly,the Sanjiao qi block can be alleviated.At the same time,the method of treating yin and yang as the key,the syndrome is treated by yang water,the syndrome is treated by yin water,and the treatment of edema is proposed.The current medication and dietary taboos provided a treatment idea for later generations of physicians to gradually improve the treatment of edema to invigorate deficiency and relieve solids.
作者 高荣瑞 赵雅飞 Gao Rongrui;Zhao Yafei(Department of Nephrology,Jinzhong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinzhong Shanxi 030600;Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Jinzhong Shanxi 030619)
出处 《山西中医药大学学报》 2021年第2期85-87,共3页 Journal of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine
基金 山西省科技厅面上青年基金项目(201701D221280)。
关键词 水肿 以脾为本 学术思想 朱丹溪 edema spleen-oriented academic thought Zhu Danxi