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更新日期:2021-06-15     浏览次数:261

摘要学生深度学习需要教师深度教学的支持。为保障未来教师具备深度教学能力,美国银行街教育学院普通儿童教育专业以深度学习理念为指导,积极探索教师职前培养的创新路径:课程设置凸显深度学习,三个模块的课程强调基于对儿童整体学习发展的理解,建构学科与学生发展之间的逻辑联系,全面彰显深度学习的多个维度;课程实施践行深度学习,授课时空安排确保师范生保持深度学习体验张力,授课方式秉持探究,切实推进深度学习体验;教育实习支持深度学习,严选实习学校与实习指导教师,一以贯之深度学习体验,强化师范生深度教学信念。Students’deeper learning needs the support of teachers’deeper teaching.In order to ensure that teachers have deeper teaching ability,childhood general education program in Bank Street College of Education actively explores the innovative practices of teacher preparation based on the perspective of deeper learning theory.The curricula are arranged based on the theory of deeper learning,emphasizing teacher candidates’understanding of the whole child so as to make connections between discipline and students’developmental and social needs.The implementation of curricula fosters the teacher candidates experiencing deeper learning.Supervised fieldwork experiences ensure teacher candidates to practice deeper learning and teaching effectively.
作者李政云 李建兰LI Zhengyun;LI Jianlan(School of Educational Science,Hunan Normal University,Changsha Hunan 410081)
出处《比较教育研究》 北大核心  2021年第4期11-18,共8页INTERNATIonAL AND COMPARATIVE EDUCATION
关键词深度学习 深度教学能力 银行街教育学院 教师职前培养deeper learning deeper teaching ability Bank Street College of Education teacher preparation innovations of teacher education