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更新日期:2021-06-15     浏览次数:263

摘要入职培训阶段是教师终身专业化发展的初始阶段,也是新手教师成长为优秀教师和树立终身从教理念的关键阶段,是架起职前教师教育和教师职业生涯可持续、专业化发展的桥梁。新手教师指导是芬兰教师入职培训最常见的支持体系之一,也是芬兰教育成功的缘由之一。芬兰开展同伴小组指导试点研究项目,开发芬兰教师入职培训网,面向全国宣传和推广同伴小组指导模式。芬兰同伴小组指导模式以社会建构学习为理论基础,以综合教学法为操作原则,组建同伴合作小组,开展导师培训,在新手教师入职培训方面,取得了积极成效。芬兰同伴小组指导模式主要经验为:重视培养研究型教师;提供可持续的教师培训;注重教师自主性发展;构建平等的成长共同体。The stage of induction training is the initial stage of teachers’lifelong professional development,and it is also the critical stage for novice teachers to grow into excellent teachers and to cultivate their whole life love and devotion to education.Meanwhile,it is also a bridge between the pre-service teacher education and the continuing professional development of teachers’career.The mentoring for new teachers is one of the most common supporting systems in Finland.Peer Group Mentoring(PGM)has been disseminated and promoted throughout Finland by a pilot research project PGM and developed by Finnish teacher induction training network Osaava Verme(Skilled PGM).The theoretical basis of PGM model is social construction learning and the operating principle of PGM model is comprehensive teaching approach,which is implemented by setting up peer cooperation group,becoming reciprocal learners,and carrying out the training of tutors.The inspirations on cultivating excellent teachers and supporting professional development in Finland are:to cultivate research-oriented teachers;to provide sustainable teacher training;to pay attention to the development of teachers’autonomy and to build an equal growth community for teachers.
作者翟云秋 程晋宽ZHAI Yunqiu;CHENG Jinkuan(School of Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing Jiangsu 210097)
出处《比较教育研究》 北大核心  2021年第4期19-25,共7页INTERNATIonAL AND COMPARATIVE EDUCATION
关键词芬兰 同伴小组指导 新手教师入职培训Finland PGM teachers’induction training
分类号G451 [文化科学—教育学]