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更新日期:2021-06-16     浏览次数:143

摘要 思近似于思维,是心的活动。心主要为气质之心,能够思或思维。这种气质之心的活动便是一种气质活动。这种思之活动的功能是通,即思通。思通本义是指气质感应、扩充善气。到了理学时期,思通包含着气质感应和心理会通两层内涵。其中,心理会通是相对的气质之心与绝对的天理的统一,这种相对与绝对的统一便是超越。在这个超越过程中,气质人心转变为超越性道心。道心是成人的基础。思是人类的本质功能,使人从生物人走向真正的人类。 classical Chinese word Si is parallel to modern term of thinking,which is heart’s function.Heart is a physical matter,which is the engine to live and to think.The act of heart relies on physical material as Qi.The function of thinking is to communicate with some others.The first of this communication is to response with Qi or enlarge the good air.In Neo-Confucian age,thinking is both able to let the heart to communicate with good air,and confrontation with the absolute principle.The confrontation with the Principle is a transcendence which makes the physical heart transform to right heart.The right heart is the exact right heart for being human.And this lets human as being rational animal turn out to be real human.Thinking is the feature of the real human.
作者 沈顺福 李腾飞 SHEN Shun-fu;LI Teng-fei(School of Confucianism,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China)
出处 《河北学刊》 北大核心 2021年第3期52-59,共8页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“从天统人到人统天:中国古代天人学研究”(16JJD720009)。
关键词 儒家 宋明理学 天理 Confucian Neo-Confucianism Heavenly Principles Air Heart