更新日期:2021-06-16     浏览次数:228

摘要 针对无加力燃烧室的混排涡扇发动机在飞行推力确定过程中理想推力及理想流量难以明确定义的问题,构建了综合参数模型,模型中换算空气流量及推力分别与发动机及喷管的综合压比具有较强相关性。根据无加力混排涡扇发动机的地面台及高空台试验数据,建立了基于综合参数模型的飞行推力确定方法,并选择不同高度、速度点计算结果与高空台实测推力及流量进行了对比验证。结果表明:发动机进口空气流量误差在3.0%以内,标准净推力误差在5.0%以内。此方法对无加力混排涡扇发动机具有较好的适用性,具有工程应用价值。 In order to solve the definition difficulties for ideal thrust and air flow in the in-flight thrust de⁃terminition for mixed flow turbofan engine without afterburner,integrated parameters model was estab⁃lished.Corrected airflow and thrust in the model are strongly relevant to engine pressure ratio and nozzle pressure ratio,separately.based on the test data from ground and altitude test,in-flight thrust determina⁃tion method based on integrated parameters was set up.And the calculation results for thrust and airflow at different altitude and speed were compared with altitude test data.The results suggest that the calculation error is within 3.0%and 5.0%for airflow and standard net thrust,separately.This methed is applicable for mixed flow turbofan engine without afterburner and has engineering application value.
作者 高翔 GAO Xiang(Chinese Flight Test Establishment,Aero-engine Research Institute,Xi’an 710089,China)
出处 《燃气涡轮试验与研究》 北大核心 2021年第1期52-57,共6页 Gas Turbine Experiment and Research
关键词 航空发动机 飞行推力确定 综合参数 地面台 高空台 标准净推力 aero-engine in-flight thrust determination integraed parameters ground test altitude test standard net thrust