更新日期:2021-06-21     浏览次数:269
核心提示:摘要采用理论公式与仿真分析相结合的方法,研究某型钢轨铣磨车常接触弹性旁承的关键参数对车辆轮廓动态包络线偏移量的影响。首先基于限界标准CJJ 96-20

摘要 采用理论公式与仿真分析相结合的方法,研究某型钢轨铣磨车常接触弹性旁承的关键参数对车辆轮廓动态包络线偏移量的影响。首先基于限界标准CJJ 96-2018计算制造、安装定位和维护误差引起的偏移量,然后通过SIMPACK软件动力学仿真得到限界标准中不容易确定的悬挂变形和轮轨间隙等参数引起的偏移量,最后通过两者累加得到车辆轮廓动态包络线及其最大偏移量。研究表明:从降低动态包络线偏移量角度考虑,铣磨车旁承的合理参数为:弹簧刚度0.5×106~0.7×106N/m,初始压缩量50 mm,旁承间隙12 mm。 The method combing theoretical formula with simulation analysis is adopted to study the influence of side bearing parameters on dynamic envelope curve offset of rail milling train.First,offset caused by manufacturing,installation and maintenance errors are calculated based on the Standard for metro gauges CJJ96-2018.Then,offset caused by the parameters such as suspension deformation and wheel/rail clearance,which are not easy to determine in the Standard,are obtained by SIMPACK dynamic simulation.Finally the dynamic envelope of vehicle’s profile and its maximum offset are obtained by adding the two.The results show that from the point of view of reducing dynamic envelope offset,the reasonable side bearing parameters of the milling train are as follows:spring stiffness 0.5~0.7 e6 Nm,initial compression 50 mm and side bearing gap 12 mm.
作者 陈双喜 CHEN Shuangxi(School of Mechanical Engineering,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106 Sichuan,China)
出处 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2021年第2期63-69,共7页 Railway Locomotive & Car
关键词 钢轨铣磨车 常接触弹性旁承 动态包络线 偏移量 rail milling train constant contact elastic side bearing dynamic envelope curve offset